~ Time to hang your hummingbird feeder! The syrup is one part sugar to 4 parts water. Boil, dissolve, cool & store remainder.
~ Good garden gloves will protect your hands. The nitrile type still leaves you with a good feel of the plants & soil.
~ Check your 10 day forecast for overnight temps. You may be able to get a jump on planting those annuals.
~ Add a slow release fertilizer like Osmocote to each planting hole, container & scratched in the soil around your existing perennials.
~ Keep an eye on tall growing, late summer blooming perennials like obedient plant & asters. You have until Late June to take them down some inches without affecting the bloom. For phlox and bee balm you have until late May.
~ Try a different annual for shade this year. Impatiens are on their way out due to a fungal disease, downy mildew. (double & New Guinea are not affected). Try torenia or wax begonias which are both available at a flat price.
~ Have a garage sale this spring & clean out. Divide off some perennials & sell those too!
~ Mind your back when planting in the next few weeks. We can no longer do it all in a day like years past! Plant only until your enjoyment lasts & save some for another day.
~ Set up a temporary planting station so you can stand or sit to plant those containers comfortably. Use saw horses, fruit baskets & an old door for a roomy table surface.
~ Check out the perennials blooming now like columbine, coral bells, lungwort, lily-of-the-valley, fairy bells, lamium, fern-leaf bleeding heart & consider adding them to your garden.