The summer blooming perennials are calling your name… plant me! Here is my next favorite:
My fourth favorite summer perennial is an herb, Bee Balm, Monarda. Growing 2’-4’ high on average it is member of the mint family and has its own unique fragrance when you rub its leaves. Any perennial that is a magnet for hummingbirds needs to be a must in your garden. It grows & spreads quickly as you would think any member of the mint family would. There will be plenty to share or it is very easy to control. They are prone to powdery mildew, so choose resistant varieties. Good air circulation is important so, like phlox you can thin these plants. You can also pinch for a bushier plant early in the season before the flower heads form. Also deadhead the spent blooms to encourage new blooms throughout the summer. Staking is not required because their stems are nice & sturdy. Choose at least one wonderful scarlet color to attract the hummers. I have red & a lower growing, shinier leaf purple. They will bloom their first year from transplants which is a plus.
Enjoy the hummingbird antics!