Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

It's the Yeses in Your Life

    Recently watching one of those totally sappy Christmas movies I love so much, they spoke of the yeses defining your life & not the no(s). So I did a life inventory (sort of) and realized how important a statement that is. Really, not a sentiment – too wimpy… a statement.  Maybe introspection is not your thing; maybe it is. I am finding among friends & myself that this is pretty much what we are evaluating at this time in our lives anyway. It may not be conscious, it may just be from time to time, but at a certain age you can’t help it! I just have to weigh in on this. The yeses can be wonderful! If they haven’t been, then you need to find forgiveness in yourself for those particulars. You also need to replace some no(s) with a few yeses this coming year if not to shake things up bit! I know I’m 51 now, but yeses add to the excitement, the hope for the future! Without the yeses, life can get pretty boring. They add to that WOO HOO, what a ride! that you should be presenting (someday far, far in the future) at the pearly gates.
      A reminder from SBB, the 13th century English mystic Dame Julian of Norwich prayed:  All shall be well. And all shall be well. And all manner of things shall be well. … A good thing to remember when embracing the future yeses in your life.
    So take this holiday season & New Year to come & think back on those often life defining yeses & no(s). Prepare for some yeses in your future. Be prepared that they don’t always work out but remember that they are so worth the woohoo ride!!!

Dollar Store - Food & Cleaning Supplies!

    Here is the last blog on ‘dollar store’ shopping. Especially this time of year, every ‘dollar’ you can save is a tremendous help. I just want to share the best items that I have found to be of value to my household on a regular basis. The Dollar Tree stores are the ones in my area. Everything is just $1.00. See link for locations or find a different chain in your area. There are thousands across the US.
    The next category is food items. There are aisles of products from bread/rolls/bagels, candy, snacks, crackers, pasta, soups, cereal, salad dressings, spices, beverages, etc. I especially love their Monet crackers this time of year – perfect for any dip, etc.! I’ve never had an issue with expiration dates but check anyway. There are plenty of ‘name’ brands if you prefer, but for a dollar try others. I don’t think you will be disappointed. The holiday bags for all your holiday baking/fudge making endeavors are wonderful!
   As for cleaning products, they have everything. My favorite is the ‘swiffer’ cloths. Not name brand but work beautifully. (Swiffer name brand is soooo expensive!) They have bleach, detergents, anything in a spray cleaning bottle! They have buckets, organizational supplies, kitchen gadgets & containers. There are festive cans & containers for holiday cookies, fudge & gifts. Take advantage of the great smelling candles/tea lights for the holidays too. Remember the gift bags, bows, ribbons, decorations & wrapping supplies!
    One last note on the ‘holiday’ decorations: Last year I attended a holiday luncheon at a local country club. They had multiple trees in different alcoves – very festive. One I admired a lot. On my way home I stopped at ‘Dollar Tree’ to pick up a few thinks. Guess what? EVERY ornament on that tree came from the Dollar Tree. It was gorgeous! Sometimes great things come in brown paper wrapping…

Holiday Prep ~ Three Things...

With the holidays upon us many of us will be entertaining or at the very least trying to hold it together. Three words: organize, prepare, enjoy.
    ORGANIZE ~ make lists (lots of them). Keep any and all coupons you come across in a folder in your car. You know those Bed, Bath & Beyond Coupons that NEVER really expire. Load up that folder. Update them week to week with coupons from Michael’s & AC Moore for the decorating discounts. Keep everyone’s wish list on your person & demand it by Thanksgiving. Keep all purchase receipts in one envelope & write on them. You will not remember… The better organized, the easier things come together. Assign tasks to family members & hold them to it. Check out the link below for free printable lists, etc.
    PREPARE~ again check out the cool link below for free printables from place cards, gift boxes, lists, all kinds of party printables. Fun site for the kids too! Having tasks like this done in advance is so helpful. I find that I decorate best when I’m in the mood, so take advantage even if it is the day after Thanksgiving. When you get tired, stop & move on to something else. Write a few cards at a time, shop in small doses, wrap for only a few hours. Breaking tasks up makes for a more enjoyable prep to the holidays. Which leads me to…
    ENJOY~ If you are not enjoying yourself, then why are you killing yourself? This holiday season is for you too! Maybe it has gotten to be too much over the years. If you’re not up to so much this year then cut back. Only bring out your most favorite decorations. I, myself, if having to choose would simply have my live tree. I am blessed this year with good health & a strong back so I will keep up my usual pace. I do, however, always find time to enjoy in my own ways during the prep. I overindulge in sappy Hallmark Channel Christmas movies. I love all Christmas music starting now! This year I am finally going to NYC to see the Radio City Music Hall’s Christmas Spectacular. I am seeing the Nutcracker on stage where one of my GWA’s 6 year old daughter is playing an angel. I absolutely can’t wait for all this to get rolling so I can most of all ENJOY!

Romancing The Ordinary

    I just finished reading Sarah Ban Breathnach’s Romancing the Ordinary ~ A Year of Simple Splendor. Once more, I feel this book came to me at just the right moment in my life. (published in 2002) It is sitting here, a library rental, but will soon be on my Christmas List. A slightly similar format as Simple Abundance, this book also takes you through the year but passages that read month by month, season by season ~ recipes too!. (Yes I read it all at once but can’t wait to read it slowly throughout next year!) Her gaining perspective helps Sarah to share wisdom galore (and wisdom of others) with her readers. Again, we are now on a journey but to find our essensual selves ~ your original self. She feels this book is sure to help every woman fall in love with Life. Please put her book on your Christmas list this year. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from this book:
** “When you learn to love and to let yourself be loved, you come home to the hearth of your own spirit.” ~ John O’Donohue,  Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
** “The only difference between an extraordinary life and an ordinary one is the extraordinary pleasures you find in ordinary things.”             ~ Veronique Vienne
** Life’s only sin is a day without desire and a night without thanks. ~SBB
** No day is so bad that it can’t be made better with a nap. ~ Carrie Snow
** The cure for anything is saltwater; sweat, tears or the sea. ~ Isak Dinesen
    This book is so much more than a bunch of powerful quotes! Read & Enjoy!

Holiday Shopping Tips

   Well with Black Friday two short weeks away, I thought I would offer some go get ‘em, good luck tips. More & more is being said about the great deals on Cyber Monday, the Monday following Thanksgiving. Most of your favorite stores are starting these deals prior to Thanksgiving this year. Also, brick & mortar stores have, in the past years, have been opening later on Thanksgiving Day to get a jump on the competition. Whichever you choose, here are a few tips.
    Check out the awesome site bradsdeals with the link below. This site does all the legwork for you. It does find the best deal on whatever you may be shopping for. It links you to websites, offers up-to-date printable coupons from all your favorite stores, features an amazing deal of the day & more. I would start here & make a list…
    Next, I would check with family members on where they might be headed on Friday (or Thanksgiving) & maybe you can divide & conquer. You may be shopping for the same great deal & it saves so much time, sleep (ha-ha) & aggravation.
    If you are planning the brick & mortar shopathon (for some families it’s tradition!), make sure you bring your list, snacks, water & don’t overdress. Stores get real warm, real fast when standing in line.
    Don’t forget to shop local. On Saturday, November 24, is SHOP SMALL, small business Saturday. Many of the quaint local shops in your area will be offering discounts & specials. This is a great opportunity to find those unique gifts at a savings & supporting the local businesses in your community at the same time.
    I, personally, try all different ways to get through that list without losing any Christmas spirit. I traditionally do not get up early on Black Friday & shop. I will be checking bradsdeals on a regular basis & check out the site before I venture out on any shopping day. Good Luck to all & to all a good night!

Dolce Far Niente

   I know I can be a bit behind on books & movies but sometimes it’s serendipity that you read or watch something at the right time in your life. I finally had the pleasure of watching the Julia Roberts movie Eat, Pray, Love a few weekends ago. (I have to admit I did try to read the best-selling book years ago & found it slow to get into ~ not the right time I suppose) There is a barbershop scene in the movie while Julia’s character, Liz, is visiting Rome, Italy for four months. (see clip below) They start discussing the Italian phrase Dolce Far Niente. The meaning of the phrase being ~ the sweetness / pleasure of doing nothing ~ enjoying where you are in the present moment. Of course to the Italians this 90% of the time involves food, wine, sex or all of the above!
    So why it struck a chord so quickly with me was that I remember experiencing this firsthand in Italy a very long time ago (didn’t know there was a phrase for it at the time & honestly lost sight of how important this could in an authentic, happy life). I was studying in Siena for six weeks one summer. (Truly rough, I know) It was always a dream of mine to travel there & here was my opportunity in college. I, of course, like many ran myself around like a typical turista for weeks. There came an aha moment when it hit me ~ il dolce far niente ~ what everyone around me was embracing. So I slowed down & then some. I enjoyed the wine-filled, food-laden lunches even more, embraced the siesta & began seeing Italy through different eyes. I lay peacefully in piazzas at night counting the stars & had more aha moments. I realized Italian painter Giotto’s revolutionary use of lapis lazuli pigment for the skies in his paintings instead of gilt gold was no accident. The nighttime sky there really was that color blue! (Yes, I was an art history major!) It’s the slowing down, being with friends, being with family (without it being hectic ~ often a challenge), being alone but not lonely. Taking in your surroundings whether local or on holiday & slowing down long enough to truly appreciate the moment. This is not an easy task here in America (as stated on the movie clip). It may be an uphill climb but so worth that effort. Il dolce far niente ~ find pleasure in doing nothing totally & completely without guilt! I know I’ve discovered a way and our authentic selves know not to take those moments for granted. And now I have a name for it…

Hurricane Sandy Follow-up

   Before I get back to the ‘dollar’ store blogs next week, I must say a few words about this horrific hurricane that was experienced by some but felt by all. My thoughts & prayers go out to many close by to me here east coast. I consider my own situation fortunate. A few days of lost power & a few trees & limbs down are minor in comparison to what many are experiencing. A few days of colder temperatures & no heat or electricity really is an in your face reminder for me to never take any of your blessings for granted. Every night – gratitude – gratitude – before sleep. Also, keeping things around you in a simple way would make for less complicated loss. Just by not overstocking a refrigerator/freezer with (processed) foods or too much food would have made my own situation easier. If you stick to fresh ingredients, you tend to go through them quickly & there’s less spoilage. Also, on a warmer note, don’t wait until a power failure to burn those candles. (my favorites are the tapers that have only a few inches left but you can’t bear to throw them away). I really enjoyed that part of this storm. Sounds odd to find a silver lining but reading by candlelight is so nice & I don’t want to forget that part of this learning experience. Playing cards, board games ~ a reminder of simpler times. So tomorrow when the outdoor cleanup begins, I will continue to count my own blessings & say a little prayer for everyone else…