you have weeded, planted, fertilized, watered ~ so now what? For many plants
you get to sit back and enjoy watching them grow. For other plants, especially
perennials, you have one more step to take before you sit back & enjoy the
bloom show! That step is staking. Below is a wonderful link to Better Homes
& Gardens website page on staking. (I especially like the bunch of twig
supports. I will be collecting my twigs moving forward for this purpose.)
If you are like me you like the natural look
for your plants supports or if you are doing it correctly, for the supports to
disappear as your plants grow. I have recently started using Velcro green
garden tape. This works well with single stems that need support, like my
lupines. I also like decorative stakes & have a nice 'go to' collection.
These can work well with fishing line (just don't let it dig into the stems).
Green bamboo stakes are inexpensive and stay hidden. You can use twine, green
garden tape & twist ties. Specialty plant supports for tomatoes &
peonies for example are invaluable. If you didn't remember to stake those peonies
early, just go with the flow & start cutting the blooms to bring inside.
That will take weight off the stems & you get to enjoy the fragrance &
beauty close up. The BHG website recommends using
other plants to stake; they just lean on each other for support. This is
something I depend on in my cottage perennial garden. Having a bed chock full
of beautiful plants also crowds out the weeds as an added bonus! In that garden
I also cut down a late bloomer like Obedient plant by 12-18" by mid-June.
This helps reduce the final height and removes any need for staking in August.
(this is blessing because if you know this plant, you know it spreads & you
have a lot of it). Whichever methods you
choose, just get out there now & get it done so you can relaaaax.
course, gardening again mimics life especially where support is concerned. There
isn't anyone amongst us that doesn't need the support of loved ones especially
at certain tough times. You need to be that stake for others too. I relate my
plentiful bounty of friends to the cottage garden technique. If you have enough
friends and are close, you can just lean and sway your way through life without
ever becoming completely knocked over & down for the count. Even when life
sends those tough storms your way, together
we can all get strong & beautiful & bloom to our full potential!