The weather is warming! Your
garden is greening up! Perennials are popping! Please don't run out & be a
(weekend) warrior. We need to walk first;
ease into what we have not been doing all winter long! We really do not have to
accomplish readying your garden in a day or even a week.
We know as gardeners it takes some time & the worst thing you can do is overdue on those first warm days. It really does help to get out & walk & stretch regularly, especially those hip flexors. Yoga sessions are wonderful to work out those muscles. Check out this link for yoga stretches to help you after a day of gardening:
We know as gardeners it takes some time & the worst thing you can do is overdue on those first warm days. It really does help to get out & walk & stretch regularly, especially those hip flexors. Yoga sessions are wonderful to work out those muscles. Check out this link for yoga stretches to help you after a day of gardening:
Over the years if I have learned anything it
is to pace myself. I really do enjoy readying the garden but when it begins to
feel like too much on my body I stop & return another day. The same goes for
planting my beds & planters. It is soooo much fun because the rewards are
instant, but when I start feeling hungry, thirsty, tired or achy I stop. It
will be much more enjoyable tomorrow! A few tips that I live by ~ I always wear
long sleeves & long pants, this time of year especially. I don't want
scratches (or ticks!!) when I am getting in there cleaning out my beds. I like
to get out early so it is not hot and the pollinators are not out. I always sit
on a blanket to weed or plant when I can and kneel on a pad only when I have
to. Yoga helps to keep me in shape for that sitting to a standing position! I try
to not pull weeds because I am prone
to tennis elbow; I get under the weeds with a garden tool whenever possible.
See more tips from Martha
Stuart in this link below! Happy Gardening!