Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

The End To Multi-Tasking?

    So I recently glazed over at a magazine article about how we women don’t need to multi-task in order to get it all done. I did not read the entire article & I can’t find the mag to refresh my memory. What was going through my head was “yeah, right!” I mean us women multi-task 24/7 (or at least every waking moment, well sometimes even sleeping!). Remember the very funny & true e-mail cartoon of how a woman’s brain works? – See link below. How was I supposed to accomplish all I need to in a day & not do many things at once? Impossible, right? The premise of the article was that if we focus on each task at hand & then move on to the next, we can accomplish all we need to with less stress & craziness.
    Then, I started thinking about how many times I go to cook dinner in the evening & find my coffee in the microwave from that morning. (after I nuked it 3 or 4 times, only to forget it – again!) Why can’t I sit & enjoy, savor every drop until it’s finished? Can I taste every morsel of my meals without reading the mail, watching the news, etc.? Could I do it all without the “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie” syndrome? I practice yoga, so I know I can stay centered & in the moment for some time. Therfore, I am going to challenge myself this Monday & Tuesday to stay on task & prove to you & myself that it can all get done without the self-pulling-in-all-directions.  One is a work day & one is not, two totally different situations to experiment with. Will it work for me? Could it work for you? We shall see…

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