Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

Cinderella ~ A Role Model for the Ages

Cinderella [sin-duh-rel-uh]  1. A heroine of a fairy tale who is maltreated by a malevolent stepmother but achieves happiness and marries a prince through the benevolent intervention of a fairy godmother.
So let’s try again: 2. Role model for the ages.

   A single line in Glamour mag this month reminds us: Cinderella never asked for a prince. She asked for a night off and a dress! This reminder changes everything we consciously remember about the story! We know Cinderella suffered great loss. We know she was mistreated but never complained; she felt gratitude. We also know Cinderella had some dreams of a better day, but she always stayed in the present and worked hard. She didn’t lay blame or get down for very long. Her heart made wishes when she fell into an exhausted sleep each night. And what Cinderella did get that fateful night was a fantastic dress & a less than perfect pair of shoes. After a bit of bippity, boppity boo, she took a risk on a pumpkin coach and some mice. Her risk taking allowed her a front row seat to destiny dusting its fairy dust. She stayed true to herself and had a magical evening. Always a rule follower, her shoes almost didn’t get her home on time. (who among us can really run in heels?!) So yes, Cinderella is a role model for me. She lived her life as best she could, dreamed her dreams, took risks and thus allowed the fairy dusts of serendipity and destiny to waft her way! Have no regrets. (if Cinderella had gone back for that shoe, her story would have a had a different ending!)
Cinderella 3. Beautiful, graceful, brave, hopeful, grateful, kind & strong.
   So remember it’s all about all those qualities then begin wishing, dreaming & asking for what you want. And she lived happily ever after! Thank you Cinderella for the reminder!

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