Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

Resolve ~ Absolutely; Resolutions ~ Not So Much

    By definition ~ Resolve ~ to find an answer or solution to (something): to settle or solve (something) ~ to make a definite or serious decision to do something.
     By definition ~ Resolution ~ the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem, etc.: the act of resolving something ~ an answer or solution to something.
    You would have to read these two definitions a number of times to grasp their subtle but important differences. In my head, the way I see it, I know one requires action & determination. The other requires me to think about action & determination first. So which would you choose?
   Well, you need to know yourself first. Sitting down on January first & writing down some resolutions for me is failure personified. (I mean seriously, me the person, will haunt my thoughts because I haven't kept them up!) For example, if my resolution is to write fifty-two blogs this year, that is a haunting & daunting task looming over what is a creative process. Now if I resolve on January 1st to say write a blog that day or night because I am inspired by something (Big Magic as Elizabeth Gilbert would say in her new book) at whatever time inspiration hits me, now that is something I can live with and feel good about. Resolve is something that I feel would make my life richer, passionate and not as much of a pressure cooker as a resolution would suggest!

   With the New Year being a time for fresh (dietary) starts, instead of 'I am going to lose twenty pounds this year', one might try: 'I received this delicious olive oil for Christmas this year with a fantastic vinegar... I am going to have some healthy fats today & try this out for sure!' Yes, the healthy fats like olive oil, nuts & avocadoes will help you feel fuller & give you tremendous nutritional benefit. I guess you can see where I am going with this now. Resolve is action & resolution is the thought and then action on what often turns out to be an unrealistic expectation. Your resolve is based on thoughts you've been having over the past months anyway. You are probably not jumping into resolve willy nilly. There is no danger here; there is only success!
    So let those inspirations of yesteryear fuel the resolve you feel in 2016, one day at a time. No pressure, just passion!

    Here's to a New Year chock full of that resolve & passion.

Christmas is Love!

       Every year it seems I have a private decorating joke. I always seem to find fir needles until Easter & cellophane Easter grass until Christmas amongst my decorations or wedged in my older hardwood floors (and yes, I clean!). So as I was unpacking my Christmas decorations this year, there it was: a pink strand of Easter grass. Alas, I thought to myself, there has to be a message for my blog in this somewhere. So as I sit with that strand by my keyboard for inspiration... 

   For me, I believe the message to be that with these two special holidays we come full circle: the true understanding that we are really loved and that we are really, really loved. I have a simple heart-shaped tree ornament that simply states, Christmas is Love. So while the purchased present giving will always continue for Christmas, let us not forget the most inexpensive gifts that we can give. A kind word, a smile, a small gesture goes a long way in helping us remember the true message of the season and that is... Love. Recipients of the homemade 'coupon book' may joke that it was last minute but shame on us for not cashing in on those thoughtful gestures throughout the year!! A handmade gift also shows so much thoughtfulness. I received an amazing handmade snowflake from a coworker last week. She attended a local class with her husband on the how to of it. I am just feeling the love in their whole process, from learning to creating to giving & receiving!

   So what I guess I am trying to say is: keeping it real and simple while opening your loving heart will help you feel the Christmas spirit now & throughout the year. Keep the Christmas goodness and love flowing; love can be effortless this time of year. It can also be hard but your effort shows the love you are feeling and trust me, it will be felt. You may not have a simple pink piece of Easter grass as your reminder, but I am sure you have your own reminders. This next week & throughout the coming year, let your free flowing love & kindness transform your season and beyond. Have a blessed Christmas!

Home Alone Celebrates 25 Years ~ Facing Your Fears

    Many holidays shows are celebrating milestone years & the classic Home Alone is no exception. The blockbuster holiday movie is celebrating 25 years this year! Kevin McCallister, our 8 year old leading 'man' is accidentally left home alone while his extended family leaves for a holiday trip to Paris. The unsettled nerves the night before a big trip brought forth many a nasty word said and Kevin was banished to the attic room for the night. In the mad rush to get to the airport after a power failure left alarms silent, Kevin is forgotten. And then come the lessons to be learned in a two hour time frame...
   Being eight, Kevin believes his wish had come true, that he made his annoying family disappear. The reality of this settles in that morning & he likes it! Then the reality of being home alone settles in... and the fear becomes reality. In her new best-selling book Big Magic - Creative Living Beyond Fear, Elizabeth Gilbert conveys her important message beautifully: when inspiration strikes, grab it while the iron is hot (quite literally in Kevin McCallister's case) and face your fear of it. This will allow creativity to flow. Kevin does just that. He stops hiding under the comforter, and from under the bed. He accepts the basement will never be his favorite place  and when realizing his home is threatened by the bumbling robbers, The Wet Bandits, he lets go of his fears and takes command. And this is when Kevin gets creative & boy does he get creative! To protect it, he booby traps his house & these pranks have become movie classics.
    So why all of the sudden does Kevin face fear & become his home's protector? When you are 8 years old the importance of your home & your family are told to you. Kevin, when thinking his family may not return, gets the chance to feel these things all on his own. He realizes what he has been explained to all along, that family, friends, traditions & home are the most important things, especially around the holidays. His bravery gains him a new friendship (in the neighbor next door), and the respect of his older brother (pretty cool he didn't burn down the house), and the rest of his family. On Christmas morning, amongst the warmth of the decorations he carefully placed out, when seeing his Mom upon her return he forgives her in an instant. His evolution in a two day period is epic. The family rushes home to save Kevin & in reality he has saved their home & Christmas ~ helping them all realize what is important, being together.
   The creators of this movie never expected the unparalleled success it has received even 25 years later. But, thank you for bringing us Kevin and sharing his entertaining journey into the big magic of Christmas and it's true meaning.

Planting & Planning for Winter Interest

   As the temperatures continue their seasonal descent, I would hate for us to lose sight of the beauty still lurking in the Winter landscape! Over the weekend I was helping (in a sous chef kind of capacity) my girlfriend make a live green Christmas wreath for her front door. (see pic below) It was great fun as we tied our bundles of evergreens & chatted away. Her winterberry berries were the crowning glory! This got me thinking about our the plantings in our gardens and the winter interest they may hold...

   Although you may not be planting it, this is the time to plan for it - your winter landscape. Walking around a nursery this time of year is the perfect way to observe what a potential tree or shrub will look like this wonderful time of the year. Most are open selling Christmas trees, wreaths, roping, poinsettias & greens, so walk around! Some of my favorite shrubs are winterberry, firethorn, red twig dogwood, nandina, & cotoneaster. The non-deciduous boxwoods, azaleas & hollies have beautiful foliage too. The evergreen trees like cypress, cedar, white pine, spruce & hemlock are the bones of any landscape & evergreen decorating. Trees with berries like dogwood, holly, chokeberry & serviceberry are a feast for the eyes as well as the birds. (Sorry, yes they will get eaten as some point). Make sure, if you are to purchase in spring or fall, to ask your nursery or do your research on planting trees & shrubs that berry. Many, like the holly & winterberry, require a male & female planted in the same area in order for the flowers/berries to form.
   Now it is time to get creative with your holiday decorating! Even if you don't have the greens to cut on your own property, I am sure you have a friend who does. Another great suggestion that came from my garden club's president, is to buy inexpensive boxwood and pine roping & deconstruct it. You will have plenty of plant material to work with so let your creative juices take you wherever they may go. I started collecting tabletop sleighs at garage sales & I love to stuff them with branches, pinecones (some spray painted silver & gold of course) & picks & lights (see pic below). My fireplace mantel is the traditional favorite with beautiful branches of greens, lights & pinecones. Remember, you can decorate with greens & berried branches all winter long too!

   Enjoy being outside this winter, planning your garden & getting creative in your home with your Winter landscape!

A Charlie Brown Christmas Celebrates 50 Years!

    It may be hard to believe but the perennial favorite Christmas special A Charlie Brown Christmas is celebrating 50 years! The lovable characters who have touched our hearts through many a special and movie, are, for me, most loved at this Christmas time of year. The US Post Office has done their part by issuing commemorative stamps. Network ABC is doing their part on Monday November 30th airing an hour long commemorative special before broadcasting A Charlie Brown Christmas for the first time this year. These are must see tune ins!

   I have watched this special program every year that I can remember! It was an event for sure. With no VHS or recordable devices, you planned and watched together as a family. I am not sure when we purchased our first color TV, but it made no matter. The lovable characters, with kid feelings and adult-like foibles were firmly cemented into our hearts. If you look up timeless classic in the dictionary it would read A Charlie Brown Christmas. The Vince Guaraldi Trio provided the award winning soundtrack and is one of the top selling holiday albums of all time. It is still to this day one of the few specials that integrates the religious true meaning of Christmas into the story. For that alone, it is a favorite among viewers.
   So now the characters! I am sure we have identified as one or two of the Peanuts over a lifetime of Christmases. Charlie Brown, feeling he has lost the spirit of Christmas because of the heavy dosing of  commercialization (and yes, 1965 original air date; thank goodness Lucy didn't have a crystal ball!), goes to Lucy for help. For a nickel, Lucy gives Charlie Brown the best piece of Christmas advice any of us could receive: get involved, give of yourself and the spirit will find its way back to you through new and old friendships, family (pets), and even through what is now lovingly referred to as A Charlie Brown Christmas Tree! As Charlie Brown tries to direct the school Christmas pageant whilst the kids begin a tireless dissonance of dancing and merrymaking, Inspired by an idea, Charlie Brown & Linus set out to find a tree that can save the pageant. What he gets upon his return with a less-than-'perfect'-tree is ridiculed. Charlie Brown gives up and cries out does anybody know the true meaning of Christmas? In response, Linus reads the Nativity passage from the Gospel Of St. Luke. 

    What does pull the season together for all of them in the end is the rallying support for Charlie Brown & his not so bad little tree. What remains is the joy, love and hope they all feel in the Spirit of Christmas! Merry Christmas (and Happy 50th) Charlie Brown!

Be... Thankful

    For my birthday recently, I received a necklace from a dear friend. It has two round pieces of metal. The copper smaller circle simply says ~  be. The larger silver circle is engraved with the words...
compassionate ~ kind ~ at peace ~ thankful
happy ~ brave ~ strong ~ free ~ true

So I have decided each day to choose to 'be' one of those things & truly be mindful of it. It has been a lovely way to go about my day. What I have found that it is possible to have a cumulative affect if you begin with being thankful. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving I pass my wish on to you. May you always remember to be thankful ~ every day. We are truly blessed & choosing to practice your gratitudes throughout the year is an amazing way to realize this. Write down or reflect on three things you are thankful for each day (trying not to repeat). This year, especially at Thanksgiving & thereafter, by reflecting on our blessings, we are also honoring what it means to live in this country, a country that even the Pilgrims knew to be like nowhere else ~ a blessing.

Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours!

Birds of a Feather; Birds in all Kinds of Weather

   As we cling to the last bits of Autumn & it's glorious colors, and begin our annual anxiety fest about the cold, snowy months ahead, let us not forget the birds that are there to keep us company in those bleaker months. Let us not take our feathered friends who are sticking it out with us month after month for granted!

   And I see the blue jay as if for the first time, it is a beautiful bird. I mean it's BLUE. How many times in nature do we see blue? The sky we are forever taking for granted (we shouldn't of course!) If the leaves on your oak suddenly were blue in October you would have thousands of botanists camped in your yard! So even though the blue jay can be an aggressive, squawky bird (alas not a songbird), it is spectacular against the mutely colored yard or the snowy landscape. So too with the cardinals, chickadees (cute as buttons!), titmice, juncos, finches, Carolina wrens, bluebirds, sparrows, nuthatches, woodpeckers & all those non-migrating birds that brighten our days. Let us be thankful that all birds don't head for the hills when colder weather approaches! (Some even migrate to the colder climates ~ the juncos). Thank them for sticking it out with us and adding much needed pops of color and amusement to our landscapes!

Here are tips for feeding of our feathered friends at this time of year:

   The most important tip is to be consistent with your feeding. Where most birds diets consist of insects and berries, the further into winter we get, the tougher the supply. Seed & suet become important staples to them. On my (affectionately known as) 'food court', I like to always have a suet feeder as my first primary feeder. The suet provides the mega calories the birds need this time of year. My second primary feeder has black-oiled sunflower seeds, safflower seeds and some nuts mixed in. I love the peanut, suet nuggets they sell at Wal-Mart as a special treat. It is also fun to make a few pinecones covered in peanut butter & birdseed to hang (see below with black-capped chickadee). 

Image result for pine cone bird feeder with peanut butter
The cardinals love a feeder with a platform rather than a perch to feed from. Whatever feeders you choose, the ideal situation is to baffle your feeders to keep the squirrels away (if you choose!)  Most of all have fun with it and enjoy all the antics! You can also be ready then to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count held Feb 12-15, 2016. See below for more info.

Big Magic - Fearless Book Review

   I believe this is my second book recommendation (Simple Abundance being the very first and my first official blog!) in all these years! I hope I can do this book justice with just a few sentences. So this must be a pretty special book & I believe it to be! In three words ~ I devoured it! It resonates with me and I feel would emotionally charge anyone. The author is Elizabeth Gilbert (her most acclaimed novel/film is Eat, Pray, Love. (Oh yes, I did write another blog on an inspirational part of that movie see one of my favorite blogs ever, Dolce Far Niente.) The premise of Big Magic is understanding what experiencing that spark of inspiration actually feels like to us and then trying some creative living beyond fear. So for many this book will not speak to them as a writer but it is a book for anyone with any kind of creative inkling and how to capture that without fear. The stories from her own life are honest and human. What did this blogger take away from this self-help? To keep plugging along and to grab the inspiration when it hits; Grab a pen & write, grab my garden trough & dig, grab my spray paint and upcycle! Inspiration is fleeting and will find the next human and then the next and so on, until one listens and creates.

"Pure creativity is something better than a necessity; it's a gift. It's the frosting. Our creativity is a wild and unexpected bonus from the universe. It's as if all our gods & angels gathered together and said, "It's tough down there as a human being, we know. Here - have some delights.""

   The singer Adele is releasing her first CD (Adele 25) in five years on November 20th. In an interview she said that after some physical healing and then a few years after the birth of her baby she was ready to sit down and create. Well, she sat & it didn't happen. According to Liz Gilbert, you can't just say "I'm ready" and expect the Big Magic to happen. I believe Adele did what LG would advise; to get busy doing something else. So Adele went back to being a mum & eventually creativity came. Did she brush aside some inspiration along the way of her hiatus? I bet she did. Did it matter? No because life goes on too, adjacent to inspiration. So these women inspire us to keep plugging away at our crafts and the Big Magic will come for sure; no worries there. "Only when we are at our most playful can divinity finally get serious with us." ~LG  Amen to that!

   With the holidays approaching, I know this would make an amazing gift for the women and daughters in your life. Enjoy!

Molasses Gems Cookie Recipe & Baking Tips

This cookie recipe and the tips are a re-post. It is a perfect cookie for to make this time of year. It complements the scores of pies you have at the holidays! This is an old Sun-Maid raisin cookie recipe:

Molasses Gems with Raisins
¾ c. butter       2 c. all-purpose flour
1 c. sugar         2 tsp. baking SODA
¼ c. molasses    1 tsp. cinnamon
1 egg                 ½ tsp. cloves
¼ tsp. salt         ½ tsp. ginger
1 cup raisins      extra sugar or fancy sugar to coat

Beat butter & sugar until light & fluffy. Add molasses & egg; beat well. Combine flour, baking soda, cinnamon, cloves, ginger & salt. Add to molasses mixture; mix well. Stir in raisins, Cover & refrigerate until chilled. (great to mix the night before.) Shape into 1-inch balls & roll in sugar. Place 2 inches apart on cookie sheet. (grease if not coated but I actually prefer parchment paper to line pans). Bake in upper third of preheated 350 degree oven. Bake 10-12 minutes. Cool 1 minute & transfer to wire racks. Makes 3 dozen. * Note – recipe can be made without raisins.
Cookie Baking Tips:
~ Use butter whenever possible – nothing beats it, but melt first & let cool to room temperature. Melted butter will dissolve the sugar much better! Make sure to cream butter & sugar well, no shortcuts here!
~ In keeping with using butter, use the best ingredients available (ie. real vanilla extract, chocolate). It will make a difference.
~ Follow cookie/recipes closely. You don’t want a too dry or wet outcome. Refrigerate dough that requires this, a sufficient amount of time or you will have cookie that spread way too much, are way too thin.
~ Mix just enough when adding dry ingredients to make sure your ingredients are properly blended but then STOP. Overmixing leads to hard cookies that do not rise properly.
~ Make sure your ingredients (ie. flour, baking powder, baking soda) are not old – again the outcome will not be the same.
~ Make sure to line the cookie sheets with parchment paper for even baking and easy removal.
~ An oven thermometer is great to use throughout the year to make sure your temps are what is expected.
~ Use cooling racks & transfer to cookie CANS if possible. They make a difference. Make wax paper circles to separate each layer in the can.

~ Finally, if you find your cookies that should be soft getting hard over the holiday weeks, add a slice of bread every few days to the container. The moisture in the bread will transfer throughout!

Mums The Word

   This blog is a re-post for me. I have learned something new about mums since I first posted this one. They are excellent air cleaning plants! They are also an attractant of good luck in the home! So buy plenty for indoors to enjoy!

   The Chrysanthemum, the most popular plant of the daisy family & is the quintessential plant of the fall garden. I get this question often: will the mums (cutest flower nickname) I plant this fall come back next year? Well the bad news is ‘no’ but the good news is the low cost of these plants shouldn’t sway the gardener one bit. Who isn’t drawn to decorating with corn stalks, hay bales, pumpkins, gourds & mums!
    So, the reason these won’t survive is that if planted in the ground, they will not have enough time to establish a root system strong enough for them to survive. (We also leave them in their containers for decorating purposes – so not a chance there). To complicate things more, there are two kinds of mums: Hardy (Garden) & Florist mums. Florist mums are produced for cuttings mainly & will never develop a stolen that would help produce those necessary roots. The hardy mums when planted in the spring, however, do stand a chance at coming back for years to come. These contain the stolen for developing roots. These need at least 6 hours of sun a day, need a well-drained soil, water them well & provide plenty of mulch for over-wintering. They need to be pinched in spring/summer to encourage that round shape & not the leggy look. They may produce blooms in spring but can be pinched off until summer to produce a fall-fabulous set of blooms. Use beautiful grasses as a backdrop for your hardy mums. Enjoy the link below that shows some new varieties. The sky is the limit when it comes to color. My suggestion is to buy what you are blown away by & not worry about next year!

Walking the Walk ~ Clothes Closet Time!

   Simplify, Simplify. I have committed to walk the walk and talk the talk. So, yes, this is my second in a series of GET ORGANIZED! CLEAR THE CLUTTER! Don't be scared. I can promise you that I have not missed ONE single item from the Part One of this series - the makeup drawer. Amazing? This simplifying pledge is truly easier than you think!
    Today I am overhauling your clothes closet. This is the time of year you are beginning to transition from summer ready-to-wear to fall - and pretty quickly after that - winter. If you are like me you will be purchasing a few new things for yourself in the next few months. When my closet is discombobulated there is no possible way to know what I have/don't have, what I've outgrown (physically or emotionally!). We all have dressy clothes, work clothes, going out in jeans clothes, work-out clothes, comfy-watching-TV-clothes... Some may have a closet to accommodate all the attire of fabulous you (yes, Bestie you know who you are lucky girl!). Some of us with smaller closets should not even try...
    Begin by creating piles of things you know you will no longer wear for whatever reason. Create a couple piles; one to donate and one for a girls night swap event (see previous GNO Swap blog, Nov 2013). Then if your closet is smaller, keep only in this convenient closet the categories of your fab life that you use most, say work clothes and going out in jeans clothes. Find another closet or storage option for the other categories. (If this is not an option then you will need to really pare down & in turn be crowned the simplify queen for the year! I am not there - yet). In the pics to the left the first is my jumble and the second so much better. I have jeans/pants lined up according to color & type. My tops are organized by sleeve length & weight. I started with shorter sleeve and organized the colors within that section (yes black & gray of course & then colors - use prominent color in patterned tops). Next, long sleeve - same thing organize by color, etc. Then sweater/cardigan weight and organize by color again. Be your own kind of creative with this & have fun. I promise you will no longer say I have nothing to wear & I guarantee it will make getting dressed & looking pulled together a time saver now and we certainly need more time in our days! If you feel you really do need new things to wear then consult my blog from Stacy & Clinton - just Google What not to wear ultimate rule book - (Yes, I made page 1! Woo hoo!!) these tips are invaluable because who wants to waste money on items that aren't fab for us!
    To take it to the next level, have some fun with your accessories. I like to wrap the coordinated scarves & jewelry around the neck of the hangers of my tops so they are ready to go. To add more polish to your closet you can try to use all the same hangers for unification. My not so teenage tester does this and it looks sooo organized (yes, you guessed it - I got the cast offs but someday...) Wal-Mart sells great hangers and cheap! The TT's advice, buy more than you think you'll need and take them back. Yes, we under bought silver & it was a few months before more came in. If you are not sure then she suggests choosing white which is always available.

   So there you have it. Most importantly, be generous with your donations; have fun with it and feel your power & fabulosity next time you put an outfit together in under two minutes!

Perception in the Garden

Perception ~ the state of being or process of becoming aware of something through the senses. 

    So today begins the first day of Autumn. For those of us lucky enough to enjoy the seasons changing (although most of us can do without the cold winter), the first noticeable change is the temperature. Why is it that 65 degrees in March feels warm, when 65 degrees in September feels downright chilly? It's our perception...
   So in the garden the same is true. We can change our own perception of the waning fall garden with a few cleanup measures to trick our senses. What we hate to see this time of year is the fading of our perennials. Our annuals, however, seem to rejuvenate without all the heat. So how do we fool our senses into thinking that things are still lush? We need to put in a bit of fall cleanup work now!

    Begin by removing any diseased (powdery mildew in particular) leaves & stems. Just cut down & don't compost but remove to the trash. Then continue cutting back the dried up stems/leaves from your other perennials. Retain the plants that are no longer flowering but have nice fall color in the leaves. Leave some texture in the remaining flower heads like coneflowers and rudbeckia. As you begin to remove, peeling back the layers of summer remnants, something beautiful begins to emerge. The remaining flowers that are trying to be seen become the stars! Let the phlox, obedient, daisies, asters, mums, sedum, rudbeckia, sage and your annuals shine! You may have fewer blooms from summertime, but our perception is simply a beautiful, richly colored fall garden. With just a little work now, you can enjoy a few more months of your labor. Then you can just leave it to the birds to enjoy!

Simplify, Simplify ~ Walking the Walk

   Simplify, Simplify. Yes, I talk a good game to you all, but am I doing enough to simplify my own life or do I just like to give (good) advice? If I am going to talk the talk I am hereby committed to walk the walk & share my findings.
   Well, in the spirit of back to school and getting all those ducks in a row I decided to walk the walk with a baby step. And with any worthwhile creative project (yes, even simplifying employs creativity to do it authentically) comes an 'inspiration piece...
   When preparing to simplify you must choose a small area of your world at a time (yes, the baby step). Otherwise, the overwhelming task may just put you in a stupor where you just reach for a glass of wine and the remote instead. This is where an inspiration piece comes in. For this area of my life, my makeup cleanout, my inspiration came in the form of a new eye shadow pallet from Maybelline, The Blushed Nudes. It had all the colors that flatter my skin tones and could replace all the small ones I had. Yes, the AHA moment!! So I went from eye shadows/pencils to lip to nail products and it is cathartic at minimal. The pics I show here are the fruits of my labor. Remember to be tough because you truly will not miss them when they are gone! They are things not people! So enjoy the process & revel in the results.
         So if you check out my photos to the left, if may seem to be an organized purge; yes it was. So what was my ever-important criteria? For eyes: all old mascaras go (now that I have the perfect one - Maybelline's Lash Sensational- piece of cake!) Eye shadow singles/quads: If you only wear one color from these you can do better. There are many expanded palettes now that are just waiting for you - remember not too shimmery. The lips: If it isn't staining with moisture it was tossed. I kept a few top layer glosses & lip balms (spf15 encouraged) Nail Polish: Well, gloppy was surely gone. Similar colors, ones not worn in a while - gone. I still have a few but it is better! A few eyes pencils & concealers that really never did it for me (Try Cover Girl's Tru-blend concealer stick, pretty amazing stuff!)
   For other areas of your life you may just need a cool organizational tub or basket. The nicest stuff is out there for the buying or upcycling. Remember there are ways to move your stuff along without tossing in the trash heap. I have blogged before about a girls night swap event, upcycling, selling at a garage sale, donating... there are endless avenues to move your stuff along. The important thing is to handle a small area of your life at a time, have fun with it, and be strong. You really can truly feel more authentic with less! I will continue to walk this walk & share my findings and inspiration pieces throughout the coming months.

Back to School Shopping For You!

    Who says you need to be 5-21 yrs. old to enjoy the back to school retail bonanza?!! The retail I am referring to are the notebooks, binders, planners, organizers, folders, journals, pens and for fun stickers, crayons, markers, colored pencils! Sounds like the makings of a fresh new start for us too :-) Why wait until Jan. 1st for that new beginning? Take advantage of the fantastic sales and selection now to get organized or make a colorful bucket list journal; the sky is the limit. I just bought my not so teenage tester a not-for-kids coloring book (with cool patterns) as a stress reliever for her upcoming school year. The crayons, markers, colored pencils are all dirt cheap at Target right now & other retailers. Did you know that coloring books for adults abound at the book stores (unless Frozen or Hello Kitty is your thing). Most boast stress reducing patterns. I also found a challenging famous cities/landmarks dot-to-dot as well (yes, hundreds per page). What I am saying is being a kid forever when it comes to being newly organized is an awesome thing. Really, can anything beat a brand new box of crayons with their perfect points and new pencil case? (perfect for organizing makeup in your handbag too!) We deserve the trappings of a new beginning. How often do you dig in a drawer for 'scrap' paper and hold your breath that the pencil you pulled out has a point?
     Yes, we definitely deserve this. Get going, get colorful, get organized & most of all have fun with it! It will just be your little secret when you are meandering down those supplies aisles that you are shopping for yourself!! After all isn't that what we always wished school was all about?  All the fantastic stuff & NO tests!

And What is a Weed?

   Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, "And what is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered." You may have thought this to be a gardening blog, but once again gardening mimics life and a lesson is looming for us to learn and employ!
    So aren't we all weeds in life's vast garden? Plants too have the innate drive to thrive and be happy. Gardener's are forever smiling when they see a plant just flourishing in a certain spot & joyfully say to themselves (and sometimes out loud), "You are really happy there." We too have virtues to discover at any age so we too can flourish & be happy where planted. We too need to continue to try new things, explore new surroundings, throw our face up to the sunshine and absorb the rays so we can someday grow & flourish. Hidden virtues can only be sought if we take risks, explore, simply move from our comfort zones even if for a short time. We may eventually end up where we started but we will be an enhanced, more virtuous version of ourselves; seeing things and people differently.
   I am continually aware of the virtues I need to work on, I suppose with age came this wisdom. Patience and courage are two very raw, hard-to-learn virtues for me right now. I am trying to relinquish control and just let the rest of my life unfold. (Trust me easier said than done!) I, however, have made great strides and like a successful garden have been giving 'me" the attention I deserve. So my mantra is: I am like a joyful, beautiful garden bed that will always need attention. I will continue to leave some weeds within myself so I am reminded that my work is never done. I will continue to (to try) see the best in all (weedy) situations and let those dandelion flowers within myself develop into beautiful, ethereal seeds that just may flow in the wind and plant themselves in someone else's life & make a beautiful difference.
     So get out there and enjoy your personal discoveries! Find the weeds within yourself and let them help you develop some enhanced or new virtues. Enjoy the revelations!

Hummingbirds ~ There's Still Time!

   I wanted to repost my blogs on attracting hummingbirds to your yard because there's still time! I am here east coast and will have the Ruby-Throated until September. I want you to focus on getting up close & personal with them. They are not that skittish! The video clip is one of three I took a few weeks ago. It was early evening & it was 'just' the silhouette of the male. Check out the video below!

How beautiful! So to get started:
    I’ve always been a backyard bird watcher. I started my backyard species count almost twenty years ago. But, I was more determined to attract the Ruby-throated Hummingbird to my yard than any other species! East of the Mississippi, this is the only hummingbird we will see. I was okay with that, I knew how much joy this one tiny, 3-1/2” bird would bring. So I proceeded to hang my sugar water feeder, & change the nectar religiously all season, year after year. I began planting appropriate plants that would attract the little sweethearts. I waited & waited, still nothing; but I was not discouraged. An avid reader of Birds & Blooms, I knew it would happen for me too. I know that gardeners & bird watchers both need a little faith, a little perspiration, & a little luck to get them through to the ‘joy of it all’.
     So after about three years (yes, years) my first hummingbird arrived & they have been here ever since!!! I did what every birder does: scream, jump up & down, call everyone I knew (that would care) & prayed she would come back! In my yard they are most active in the morning & dinnertime, early evening. That is when it is best to get close to your feeder by standing near it or holding it in your hand!

    All you need is a feeder & some sugar water. You can make your own by boiling water & mixing one part sugar to four parts water. Store what you don’t use in the fridge. No need to fill your feeder to the top at first. See how much they drink first. With the hot summer you need to clean & refill every few days. Hang your feeder at a window where you can really enjoy the antics! As for plants in your garden, I have had the most success attracting these gems with bee balm, coral bells, honeysuckle, trumpet vine, zinnias & various other (red) flowers. They are especially attracted to the color red, but there is no need to color your sugar water. Be patient, they will come! 

Imperfection At Its Finest

   The Beauty of Imperfection ~ Never do we realize this more than in the summer garden. I myself am more of a cottage gardener. I actually find it easier because I like the idea of guidelines but no set rules. I have a large perennial garden that each year surprises me in its imperfections; it never looks exactly the same two years in a row! A plant will flourish  a certain year and the next, well not so much. With (finally) some measureable rainfall and not so broiling temps, my phlox paniculata just may flourish this year. Last year I had cut out half by the beginning of August. Every year it is an imperfect surprise - but so beautiful. To make it work you need to be willing to 'give up' on certain plants for the season; cut (down) out losses so to speak. Garden beds & pots will fill in and flourish for they are resilient!
    The most imperfect of all plants is the annual 'volunteer'. These serendipitous plants take hold and bloom from seed in no time at all it seems. Do they grow in the most awkward of spots at times? Hell, yeah! Do they come in handy when other annuals fail & you need a fill in? Amen, yes!! Such is the case this year with some of my beloved zinnias that are being insect eaten, with some bouncing back & others not so much. Volunteer petunias to the rescue! These volunteers transplant beautifully and in a few weeks it will be a seamless change.
    So I would be remiss if I failed to mention that our gardens again mimic our lives in many ways. Today's lesson is that we are fabulous creations of imperfections too! But, of course, we already knew that. The gardener in us has blessedly allowed us to step away from our day, our thoughts for minutes or hours at a time. The gardens we cultivate have shown us that new growth & life is always right around the next (garden) path for us & we should never stop taking that walk because imperfection is where it's at & it is beautiful!

Are you Pot-Bound?

By definition: Pot-bound: Having roots so densely matted as to allow little or no space for further growth.

   During this planting time of year, we certainly know what a pot-bound plant looks like. We know that before planting we need to break up those roots gently but firmly before planting or those roots will continue to spin in circles. The plant may not die, but it certainly will not thrive. As this quotes from Sarah Ban Breathnach reminds us:

"When your roots are stunted, gently untangle them with simple joys that reveal Spirit's seamless thread of mystery. Leaf.   Stem.   Root.  Mind.   Body.   Soul."

   So how do we go about untangling those roots of ours? That would certainly be different for everyone. Yes as SBB states, find what quickens your pulse, brings a smile... So what better time of year than summer to be out & about rediscovering our dreams, passions, interests. Starting small can be the start of something big. Perhaps you visit a library, an antique shop you've always wanted to explore or the terrace seating of a restaurant you always wanted to try. If you are on the way to a destination like a beach weekend, make stops along the way at produce stands, shops, garden centers; you never know what may quicken that pulse with an idea or a spark. Last weekend I went on a free tour of rain gardens in my area. I did not know anything about them, but now a spark has been kindling in my head of a new garden in a rainspout vulnerable area of my garden prone to flooding. I had no idea what to do with that area until last Sunday... (more on that in future blogs, I'm sure!)
  So the simple keys to loosening up those roots: be creative, imaginative, brave, authentic. Include friends, family on this too. Simply doing absolutely nothing but on a never visited park bench can be just the tug those roots need. Loosen & Go, I mean Grow!

The Gardener's Path - Container Garden Tips

   Happy Mother's Day! Today I get to do a few of my favorite things: writing my blog & planting & digging & weeding... I have some time to reflect on past 'growing seasons; some years it is a 'groaning season' for sure. There was the year of NO rain, the year of plenty of rain (one I think!), the year the peppers did well & the tomatoes did not. The year deer first found my yard and the year ground hogs stayed away. The year I purchased my first Baptisia and the year it flourished. What I remember is that the true gardener's path does not always have smooth stones. Sometimes there are jagged stones or weeds. Sometimes it is decorated with snail trails or moss. Sometimes it flourishes and sometimes there are failures. Just remember to let the path guide you but to stay adventurous too! Here is to another glorious gardening season. In the spring we can all have hope

   Here is a repost of some container gardening tips. I have given you some of the actual container basics in the past search: Container Gardens 101 & watering advice in Watering Container Gardens 101, & Container Gardens - Summer Plants now it’s time for the gardening artist in all of us to shine!
     Before I get to the actual plants, I want you to consider the complimentary colors & some beautiful color blends. (see wheel at left) There are never any right or wrong color choices because whatever you choose will blend like a wonderful English cottage garden. The basics: blues compliment peaches, tangerine/mango & orange. Lots of green foliage compliments the pinks & reds. Yellows compliment the purples. I like white anywhere. These are some basics. I use the purples, pinks & white together for a soft, seamless look. Also blending many shades of a color together is a very sophisticated look. (Think pinks or purples because the selection is endless) Again, there are no wrong colors, the sky’s the limit! Be creative & squint like an artist.
     Containers of the large size have three basic components: the thriller, filler & spiller. The thriller is your centerpiece plant. The filler plants are your lower growers that surround the thriller. The spiller plants will spill & drape over the sides of your container giving a soft look. Look around your yard first before you shop. You may have some plants waiting for you. I use Lamium (pictured at left) for my spiller plant. It makes a wonderful ground cover, but has a spilling growth habit & it’s free! You may have free right outside your door. Also think edible! Lettuces, parsley, basil , well most herbs can be so beautiful and useful in your container.
     Consider the sun exposure you have first of all & then plan your wish list. You will ALWAYS see other plants not on your mental list that just strike a cord. Go for it & try them out. Learning by trial & error is the best teacher. (and reading informational blogs!) Remember: proper sun exposure, watering & maintenance will make all your planters a success no matter what you choose!

Have a Willpower Mental Health Day!

    My friend & I at work were discussing the recent holiday and all the delicious, wonderful food! She said she had no willpower. I agree; it is impossible to expect willpower to be with you on holidays too! So I suggest conscious mental health days for that part of the brain that controls willpower! Say whaaat??!!??
   Face it, we all need these 'breaks' to stay the course in the long run. We need vacations from work to keep us happy and productive. We take mental health 'alone' days to enjoy our authentic selves with no distractions (or at least we should!). So why not put willpower on the shelf for the next grad party, Mother's Day brunch or Memorial Day barbecue, well you get the idea. This would mean going up to that omelet station on Mother's Day and adding cheese to that veggie omelet or buttering that already buttery croissant, having another mimosa ... guilt free, absolutely no remorse! For some, they may be afraid that they may not get back to the foods & portions that work for them in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. That may be true, but I really believe, though, that we are too informed ~ too smart for that to happen. We know the good, the bad & the ugly of food choices because we have been educating ourselves. Our kitchens are full of good choices that will be there when reality of a regular day creeps back in.
   So, free the weight (pun intended) off your mind and enjoy yourself. Savor every tasty, delicious morsel of party food! This is one mental health challenge I think we can all get behind. Buon Appetito!

I Really Dig Weeding!

    I have to say, Spring may be the only time of year I can honestly admit I Really Dig Weeding! Being so cooped up on the east coast all these cold, snowy months, we gardeners are also ready to pop just like leaves, flower buds & weeds!
     The ground has been frozen here & the days not so warm. But with mild temps last night & today I jumped at the chance to work in the garden. As I venture outside today it is 69 degrees (but with rain coming it will soon be 38 degrees by tomorrow night!) Yes, that's what you get this time of year ~ a mixed bag of weather (as a verb!). Remember to not get frustrated ~ the joys of Spring are endless. The smell for one - nothing beats a spring rain smell. Also, those first warm days where you say to yourself "it doesn't need to get any warmer than this ~ this is perfect!
    The past two days were my first digging opportunities. Among my digging discoveries today was my prolific weed of the year ~ the wild strawberry. (Yes, I get a new 'weed of the year' annually) It is masterfully disguising itself this year among my Bee Balm. It has the same color right now & growth habit. With each clever plant that was yanked, I felt exhilarated! Face it, you just want to be doing anything outside, that's why weeding can be so enjoyable now, a true stress reliever. With all this said, I know some of us are behind on Spring outdoor cleanup because of the snow & cold, but remembering to take it slowly is important. Here are my tips for a pain-free Spring clean up:

~ Take your time ~ We can't play catch up all in one day! If you feel even a twinge on your back or any other muscles ~ rest! ~ or wait for another day. One to two hour sessions is plenty in the beginning!
~ Alternate chores ~ Rake a bit then weed beds for a bit & alternate. You use different muscles for each chore & this will help keep you from overtaxing certain ones. Remember, we aren't in gardening shape in April!
~ Preserve the knees ~ Remember to sit on a blanket or low bench ~ avoid kneeling or squatting for too long. Also, always have a spade with you to dig out deep rooted weeds. The pulling yanking motion can cause some tendonitis if you are not careful; loosening the roots will help. Making sure the soil is moist from rain will help the process tremendously!
~ All work & no play ~ Allow some strolling along and dream time. This is the dreamiest time of year to visualize what you would like to see, smell & feel in your outdoor spaces. Imagine a color scheme for these pots or this bed. Make sure you jot down your ideas and keep them with you come May when you will be shopping plants. Pantone's Color of the year, marsala (a deep winey red) can translate into the garden quite well. We too often rely on flowers for color, but embrace beautiful leaves this year. Marsala can be found in coleus, heuchera, and succulents. Plant red leaf lettuce now for edible color & red basil in a month. Think outside your usual color box & dig dreaming!
~ Soak it up ~ yes, the early not too hot sunshine for vitamin D for one... but I'm also talking a hot bath (see my Mindful Bath blog) for muscle soreness, deep relaxation & more garden visualization & dreaming! 

New Products Alert! ~ Sensational Miracles!

    Yes, it has been awhile since I have reviewed any products. Of course by now, you know I need to be WOWed by a product for a review to happen! I am hereby, WOWed by the following products.
    Sensational ~ The first is Maybelline's new mascara Lash Sensational. I admit I have skimpy lashes these days and getting skimpier all the time. I was even thinking of purchasing the more recent $25.00+ expensive mascara with the coat of fibers you add to the process. (And OMG ~ thought about false lashes too for special occasions!) I am glad I waited! This mascara is an easy A+++. It has a wand with short bristles on one side to coat the base of your lashes easily & safely & when you are ready the full wand in the opposite side to coat lengthen & wow you! It was that easy & I cannot believe I really do still have all these lashes! It went on smooth with zero clumping tendencies. I am sold. It applied quickly & I have only needed one coat & still felt like I was wearing false lashes!! At an average price, without benefit of coupons or sales, of $6.99, the other makeup lines should be ashamed to charge so much for mascara that promises all this. Run, do not walk to your nearest store - it is sold everywhere except the pricey department store makeup counters!
    Miracles ~ The second (and third) new products are the Garnier facial Ultra-Lift Miracle Sleeping Cream ~ Anti-Age + Anti-Fatigue both night & eye cream. These last winter months with the dry air are killers for my skin. I have found the answer... I glide on the night cream (which is like a cream/gel) with its blends of hyaluronic & hydroxy acids for cell deep hydration & turnover and plant extracts and when I wake up I still feel moisturized! It is a miracle because not being a back sleeper, the moisture seems to leave my face right into that pillow! The eye cream, which is really a thick gel, glides on and has the added caffeine which works for my dark circles. There is the lightest fragrance & it provides  amazing results. I also wear both during the day this time of year & it works with serums & foundations beautifully. The price is also an astounding, $14.99 avg. each without sale or coupons. Garnier has done it again!
   So, Ladies, these aren't even treat yourselves to these products ~ these are easy must haves to save time & save your skin! Enjoy!!

Getting Enough Zzzzzs!

   Yes, I have to say the most common complaint I hear among friends & coworkers is the 'not enough sleep' conundrum. Yes, it is a puzzle at times because some have trouble falling asleep, some staying asleep and then trying to fall back... and it continues. What we do know from study after study is that 6-8 hours with the emphasis towards 8 hours is extremely important for optimum health & well being. So what can we do? Well the Jan/Feb issue of Cooking Light combines all the latest facts that just might shed some light...
    Let's start with light because it is so important. The light from our small technology devices are emitting the brain-activating blue wavelength. (Hint here - we don't want to activate our brains before bed!) So the suggestion is to say good night to those phones & pads one hour before lights out. Now the interesting part to all this is as we turn to read for that hour before bed, well we need to make sure that we use the traditional light bulbs to read by. The cost-saving cfls emit - you guessed it - the blue light we are trying to avoid. (Cfls without this wavelength are available, but costly) I say buy up some incandescents and sleep well! Remember to keep your room dark when it is lights out.
   Let's talk temperature. Cooler is way better. Sixty-five degrees is optimum to help the body's core temp to cool. A plus will be an increased metabolism & energy in your waking hours! Hanging one foot out to stay cool has also been shown to benefit a restful sleep.
   Let's talk stress. Worry can cause sleeplessness for sure. You can get out of bed for a bit (read a bit) & then go back & try again. I have been listening to a white noise app on my smart phone & it works wonders! Soft music has been proven to work well too & those who do spend more time in the restful REM sleep.
    For myself, I need my Zzzzs bad! The new, old light bulb, really cool room (and light pajamas - yes menopause still throws an added wrench into the situation - and light layers of covers) and white noise of heavy rain have been lifesavers! Don't forget those restful yoga postures too like Legs Up A Wall! Sweet Dreams!

Embracing New Normals

    Even if the concept, the new normal, weren't all over the place, we would be like, "oh, yeah, that's what I've been living these past (fill in the blank). What I've come to understand is that as we age, these new normals have become pretty common occurrences. As part of the Sandwich Generation, we are all experiencing illness, loss, growth, transition, well just plain change in our lives. Whether it be for the better kind of change or not so much, a new normal begins to take root. 
    When my daughter left for eight months in Australia six months ago, ready as we were for this amazing adventure for her, nothing prepares you for a new normal thrust upon you like that. When the holidays rolled around, the new normal became watching Christmas movies via Skype during my evenings her next day mornings. Although we don't want a repeat this Christmas, that new normal became memories we both admit were really nice and we will always remember. What I find is that when we don't fight the changes, when we accept the bad and eventually embrace the good changes, the new normals can effortlessly and seamlessly flow in & out of our lives. No amount of happiness or sadness is forever and the new normals will come and go, rinse & repeat. Rinse with tears at times, repeat with the love and support of those around us. We are all there for each other; that is the important constant among all the change.

    So when the next new normal flows into your life, remember to embrace it. Even with the most difficult change, the loss of a loved one, somehow with faithfulness and hope we can move forward, riding the wave of a new normal. Even with joyful changes in our lives, the embrace we choose to take can cement the happiness we feel so we can call upon it when needed later on. Remember, being there for each other is key... Support others with theirs and embrace the new normals in your own life!

Mindfulness Matters

  By definition: Mindfulness - a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.
    We are being media blitzed by this thing called mindfulness. Yes, it has been around for centuries; and yes if you truly think about it, we are at are happiest when we engage in some form for at least part of our day. We know that it aides in stress reduction which is so important for a healthy, happier life. Stress increases cortisol, which produces belly fat (which is the worst unhealthy fat to have). Those of us that practice yoga can tell you, it is the best hour of the day. Why? When you practice, the focus, the mindfulness is right with you, supporting you in each posture. It is blessed relief from the usual hectic day. Alongside yoga, prayer and meditation have been ever present for centuries; cultures have realized early on that our sanity lies there.
   So stay present, in the moment & embrace mindfulness at times throughout your day. Of course this is easier said than done! The multi-tasking epidemic has infiltrated all our lives, especially for women. I even was the guinea pig of my own blogs on the matter. It is NOT easy, trust me. We are the plate jugglers. But we can start small & simply. The best suggestions are to continue with exercise in any way that suits you. You stay mindful because concentration & a keen focus on breathing are needed to succeed. Some other simple suggestions include watching the rain or snow or birds for a few minutes a day. The next time you have a cup of tea, coffee, wine or an after supper cordial ~ sip, taste & swallow. How often do we miss the tasting part. We can then move on to meals. No distractions (TV, opening mail, etc.) ~ taste every bite and enjoy! This will lead to us eating slower, eating less & enjoying more! Bring out the nice china & stemware; I know I'm talking crazy now!
     Also, check out my Blog Archive for past blogs for ideas: Aaah, The Mindful Bath (Nov. 2014), Yoga - Legs-Up-A-Wall Pose (Jan. 2012), 2 on Multi-Tasking (March 2012), & Dolce Far Niente (Nov. 2012)
    You can start small & simply with these ideas & in no time it will become a part of a day that isn't just about going through the motions. Mindfully Enjoy!

Childhood Home

    My day began with my laptop and some blog ideas headed to my childhood home. Today is one of the final moving days and it will be living its new chapter in someone else’s life in a few days. With no TV, radio or wireless I figured I would write a few blogs in one of my usual genres. But now, sitting here for the last time, it has truly hit me; this chapter is over for all of us and we are left with memories and photos (half black & white and half color). Although I haven’t lived here for decades, this is where so much of the good stuff took place. The family dinners and family holidays. There were parties and numerous celebrations. Also, sad times when family would gather to mourn the loss of the very special. Mostly, there were the everyday memories that become your very own building blocks, the solid foundation that you build your life with.
    There was a special surprise waiting for me when I arrived; a gift from the angel that has looked over all of us who have lived & loved here. For that I am so grateful. This is the home where I learned to walk and talk and write and paint; where hundreds of games of jacks were played with my sister. This is the yard where I first tried my hand at gardening, the yard where loads and loads of laundry would be hung outside in the summer breeze to dry. The front stoop is here where my Dad would sit for hours seeing the comings & goings and chatting it up with neighbors. The kitchen is here where I learned to bake & cook alongside my Mom who has prepared about sixty-three thousand meals here. A childhood home is where your roots are; it is where the values you cultivated carry you through the rest of your life. I feel honored & blessed to have been a part of this neighborhood & community; this is where my lifelong friendships were cemented.
    I find comfort in knowing that my Mom is thriving and happy in her new home. So I can say without regret, thank you for the memories and shed a few tears but knowing that the past is now past. Now, with the confidence that such a childhood home provided me, I am forever sure that the present is a gift.

Millions of Possibilities!

    As 2015 begins its story in our lives, I want to point out an idea with millions of possibilities! These possibilities do not discriminate; even those with lives that are so busy and packed to the gills can reap the millions of them in each & every month...

    There is a mathematical theory, by now deceased Mathematician John Littlewood, called Littlewood's Law. In a nutshell it states that if you break each day into two second chunks, in about a month's time you will have experienced about a million of them. (based on the average person being awake and alert for 8 hours of each day). So you are blessed with a million opportunities for something amazing, wild, miraculous to happen. Steven Strogatz, PhD of Applied Mathematics at Cornell, states that this principle suggests that with enough chances, crazy coincidences are likely to occur. Littlewood himself speaks of what he called Miracle Math. He believes that every person would experience one miracle each month in his/her lifetime. He defined this miracle as something deemed to have special significance and occurring at the probability of one in a million.
   So now what do we do with this revelation? Well, I for one will jump for joy, then bring my awareness back to my typical day and the almost endless possibilities. I am always suggesting to dream big; here you go, mathematical proof that the possibilities in your day are plentiful beyond our reasoning minds! Your cup does runneth over with possibilities, with miracles that will blow you away. Keep all your senses alert & stay in the moment each second of each day (tall order I know). Use precious time to dream big & explore your possibilities. You don't want to miss a precious one...

             What a miraculous way to start a New Year!