Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

Christmas is Love!

       Every year it seems I have a private decorating joke. I always seem to find fir needles until Easter & cellophane Easter grass until Christmas amongst my decorations or wedged in my older hardwood floors (and yes, I clean!). So as I was unpacking my Christmas decorations this year, there it was: a pink strand of Easter grass. Alas, I thought to myself, there has to be a message for my blog in this somewhere. So as I sit with that strand by my keyboard for inspiration... 

   For me, I believe the message to be that with these two special holidays we come full circle: the true understanding that we are really loved and that we are really, really loved. I have a simple heart-shaped tree ornament that simply states, Christmas is Love. So while the purchased present giving will always continue for Christmas, let us not forget the most inexpensive gifts that we can give. A kind word, a smile, a small gesture goes a long way in helping us remember the true message of the season and that is... Love. Recipients of the homemade 'coupon book' may joke that it was last minute but shame on us for not cashing in on those thoughtful gestures throughout the year!! A handmade gift also shows so much thoughtfulness. I received an amazing handmade snowflake from a coworker last week. She attended a local class with her husband on the how to of it. I am just feeling the love in their whole process, from learning to creating to giving & receiving!

   So what I guess I am trying to say is: keeping it real and simple while opening your loving heart will help you feel the Christmas spirit now & throughout the year. Keep the Christmas goodness and love flowing; love can be effortless this time of year. It can also be hard but your effort shows the love you are feeling and trust me, it will be felt. You may not have a simple pink piece of Easter grass as your reminder, but I am sure you have your own reminders. This next week & throughout the coming year, let your free flowing love & kindness transform your season and beyond. Have a blessed Christmas!

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