quick the season is upon us & we suddenly realize time is running out and
we have to shop, wrap, clean, cook, bake, oh and yeah decorate. (all the while
being merry & happy & NOT exhausted). Not an easy time of year for all
us Give a Mouse a Cookie women but it
can be better. (For starters for every yes you say to something, say a no to
something & for heaven's sake just breath)!
What this
blog is about today is to remind you (and myself) to be mindful of those
special things that make Christmas amazing for you; the things that bring a warm and fuzzy feeling to your heart.
For this blogger it is decorating and especially my live greens decorating
& putting up and adorning that fragrant, amazing tree. If nothing else got
accomplished - I would have a tree. When my daughter was in Australia for
Christmas two years ago - not many decorations made it out of their ten month
hiding places, just a few favorites but I most definitely had a tree.
The lights of course bring your tree to life
but it's your ornaments that give it the heart, soul & joy. Mindfully - take the time to reflect on
them and carefully give them their special bough. I love the ornaments I have
collected from places that have been visited or ornaments that came from a
special place or remind me of a special time or person in my life. My friends
(of over forty plus years!) and I did an ornament exchange for many years when
we were out of college & even some were exchanged before. These are always
so precious to unwrap. I even have an ornament I made in the 4th grade; just a
simple red ball with my name glued and gold-glittered onto it. What precious
times those were with many more to come!
This year I am starting a new tradition. We
will each print out a picture of a 'big dream' destination or wish in words and
tuck it among those balsam fir branches. I can't think of a better place for a
dream to begin its journey to realization than at Christmastime. This is
something that takes thought & mindfulness. Take your time & enjoy your
trip down memory lane...
I know someday when my daughter has her own tree, all her ornaments (and some
family ones too) will graduate to that next tree. Hopefully, I will have done
my job right and she will mindfully decorate and reminisce on each and every
one too. This is the time of year for ornaments & the most extraordinary
memories of dreams, faith, hope & love they bring.
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