Happy New Year 2018!! Another year has
flown by for all of us and we have the urge to get it started on the right foot,
As with your Christmas prep & celebrations,
perfection is overrated. Perfection suggests flaws & other things about
ourselves needing work. What you need to embrace is that you are fabulous right here & now on January
1, 2018!! Fabulous is more your attitude & that aura around you... not a focus
on specific body parts and the number a scale says. I received a birthday card
years ago that I still have in my work cube. Fabulous is a lot like perfect but
less boring & more fun! It's true!! Fabulous is easy because it is a state
of mind, an inner confidence that you only need say 'yes' to right away. Trying
to work towards perfect can be boring for you to do & others to hear about
(I did 3- 60 minute planks yesterday....blah, blah, blah) This is not to say
that we don't always strive (most days) to embrace a more healthy diet &
lifestyle than the previous year. Having structure & goals are how we get
through most weeks. (vacation weeks don't count! - substitute an itinerary or not!)
So I propose this New
Year's Revolution Recipe for your Fabulous 2018:
200 parts Fabulous
100 parts Gratitude
50 parts Healthy Eating
& Exercise 2 parts Cheat Days
20 parts Goal & Vision
Board Focus
100 parts Love, Laughter
& Fun
1 pinch Setbacks
1 pinch Disappointment
20 parts Resiliency &
New Year to you all!