Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

Crocus - There's a Flower (finally) Blooming!

By definition: Crocus ~ a small, spring flowering plant of the iris family, which grows from a corm and bears bright yellow, purple, or white flowers.

   This small, bright blooming flower is so much more than that to gardener's like myself who experience & celebrate the four seasons! Last week my daughter came home & said there's a flower blooming! I had already snapped the below pic with its silky petals the day before. The irony is that in a few months there will be thousands of beautiful blooms gracing my yard & nothing will be said. But this first one sent my heartbeat going & got a excited thumbs up from my millennial! I don't think it is by accident that the blooms are trumpet shaped as if to play spring has sprung!!

   You need to mark your calendars now, so when the corms become available in the fall you will make sure you have them to plant. Now I recommend planting by a front door or any bed where you will see them right away! The blooms do not last long so a high traffic area is a nice place to start. If you are thinking about redoing a lawn area in the fall, then buying enough to naturalize in the lawn would be beautiful. We all love those woodland areas loaded with pale purple blooms when we are driving around this time of year. So make sure you plant at least a few so you can experience that heart-pounding reaction or hear that simple, "there's a flower blooming!"