Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

    With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, you can’t help but see delicious chocolate covered strawberries everywhere. I have been making these delicacies for years & it couldn’t be easier. They sell products like Dolci frutta in most grocery stores, but my way is easy too & less expensive.
     There are three ingredients: strawberries, Nestle semi-sweet morsels (or any brand you choose) & vegetable oil. The semi-sweet is the traditional flavor, but milk chocolate, white chocolate or any other flavor would be delicious as well.
    Start with clean, dry, room temperature strawberries. (most berries do not like to be doused with water (with the exception of blue & cran [bogs and all that!]). So I usually pat clean with a damp paper towel. Have a tray lined with wax paper & a spot on a shelf in your fridge to accommodate. Use a microwave safe (measuring) bowl. Pour morsels in & add a tablespoon of oil for each cup. Microwave on 50% power for one minute & try to stir. Then do the same at 30 second intervals. It should only take a few total minutes. When stirred & smooth, carefully grab the berry by the stem & dip. Let the excess drip & then place on tray. Place entire tray in fridge for the hardening process to begin. Peel off the wax paper & display on any pretty dish you may have. Keep stored in fridge until ready to serve. You may melt (in same fashion) white chocolate to drizzle off a spoon on top of the berries for easy decoration. Get creative. The entire process takes no time & all & they will be a hit!

Insomniacs Yoga

     This comes from Oprah’s website. Stated so nicely, I couldn’t rephrase any better!  Check out the link below for all 10 suggestions. One I previously blogged, Legs up the Wall pose, is listed. Hey, anything the gets us to sleep & helps us stay asleep. I especially like the Happy Baby Pose – feels awesome!      

      The Move to Ease Your Fears About Getting Fired, Getting Divorced and Getting Old

Pigeon Pose
Stiles says this is one of the best ways to release physical and emotional tension that builds up in the hips. When students do this pose at her New York studio, Strala Yoga, she can hear them sighing loudly in relief.

How: (If you have knee problems, you might want to skip this one.) You can do this on your bed or on the floor. Come into a low lunge with your right leg forward. Inch your right foot over toward your left hand and ease your right knee to the ground by your right hand. Rest your hips on the ground (or on a blanket) and gently lower your torso over your legs. Make a pillow with your hands and rest your forehead on them. Stay here for 10 long, deep breaths, or until you feel all the resistance melt out of your hips.

The Crocus

    This is the time of year when every home & garden magazine has those lovely spring flowers & colors on their covers. Yet, as I stare out my window at a mostly brown & green landscape, I get antsy, REALLY antsy. Luckily for us, every supermarket, garden center & produce center wants our business NOW!! So there are ways to bring the spring into our homes & still take them outside for the following years’ blooms.
      I always like to have crocuses in my garden, usually by my front door where I can see them every day. They are one of the first flowers of spring & they never disappoint. Buy them now inexpensively in pots at your store with no blooms showing. (The pot to the left only took a few days in the warm house for the blooms to start peeping out) After they are finished blooming, put the pot in the garage or basement. Water occasionally & plant the corms in the spring/summer in a place where they will get some sun. (in the areas around your deciduous trees, you may have more sun opportunities this time of year!) The greens will have died back by then. They will rebloom every early spring/late winter for years to come! This works well with the delicate tete-a-tete daffodils you see this time of year too. Just, two sweet little somethings to enjoy now.
PS. Happy Birthday to my one & only fabulous sista!!

One For The Money - Movie Review

    I’ve just returned from a wonderful GNO! We went to see the highly anticipated movie, One For The Money, starring Katherine Heigel. The votes are in from the seven of us & we all gave it two thumbs up! The theater, especially our group, gave a well deserved round of applause at the end. It was very well received with all of us. We felt the casting was pretty spot on. Katherine Heigel was wonderful as Stephanie. Morelli (Jason O’Mara) had the most airtime with Stephanie & there was great chemistry there. Our only complaint was that there wasn’t enough Lula (Sherri Shephard) time or Grandma Mazur (Debbie Reynolds) time. They were both so funny in the roles. But, true to the book, there was more Stephanie alone getting accustomed to her role as a bounty hunter. I personally read this book ten years ago, so I wasn’t too concerned about how close the story line in the book matched the movie. It was nice just to sit back & enjoy. I hope there will be sequels! One of the questions I posed at the ‘after party’ was which guy Stephanie should choose. Only a few of us had read all eighteen books, (maybe that would have changed the vote), but 5-Morelli, 2-Ranger. It was great entertainment, so plan that GNO. In case you are interested, here is the Janet E. website link where you can look into all things Stephanie.

Legs Up A Wall Yoga Pose

     I have been an avid fan of yoga for twenty plus years now. Knowing that it is a practice that I can take into my later, later years has essentially made it a golden friend in my life. With its popularity over the past decade, I’m sure we have all tried a posture or two. So many have carried into other exercise circles, even into Physical Therapy workouts. The pose I want to hail today can be called the legs-up-a-wall pose. Face it, ladies, gravity is taking its toll & any little bit that we can do to help is a plus. All you need is a wall or tall piece of furniture. Lay on your back & scootch your butt as close to the wall as possible with the legs stretching upward. Point & flex those feet. The hard part now begins: you need to relax & breath for 5 to 10 minutes! We are all busy, and taking the time to deeply breath for 5 minutes a day is shown to have tremendous health benefits. (Reducing stress needs to be a priority!) So, close your eyes & place your hands on your belly. Breath in and out through your nose. Feel your belly inflate & exhale pushing all the stale air out of your lungs. Find a nice rythym & relax! Your legs will thank you! Our circulation away from the heart isn’t what it used to be & we need to find ways to help the heart, mind & soul! This is easy, but not so easy to keep life at bay for a few minutes a day! Enjoy!

PS. The countdown is over!! Read my Stephanie Plum movie review in my next blog!

16-Year Old Self

     I recently read a chat asking “What advice would you give to your 16-year old self?” The answers were personal to each woman that responded, of course. Seems an easy question at first, but yikes, it really gets you thinking. (As if your answers could reverse time & keep you from making those mistakes again!) Putting aside answers like don’t ask that goofy boy to the prom, I started thinking. Here they are:
Let yourself feel as much happiness & joy as you possibly can. You deserve it!!
Surround yourself with positive people.
Cherish the great friendships in your life & never lose touch.
Stay classy & always be gracious.
Carpe diem (seize the day)
Laugh, laugh, laugh.

PS. Tomorrow is the premier of One For The Money, the eagerly anticipated movie based on Janet Evanovich’s book of the same name.
Plan your GNO!!

Buddleia - Butterfly Bush

    You may be wondering why I would mention this beautiful shrub at this cold, snowy time of year. Butterfly Bush has wonderful winter interest. The small, silvery gray-green leaves are usually preserved through these winter months. They are so different from the evergreen ‘greens’ you find that it is a welcome addition to any garden bed. Of course, the summer interest is unparalleled for attracting butterflies with its fragrant flowers. The lighter flower color, the more butterflies, bees & hummingbirds it will attract. Plant buddleia where you can really enjoy the heady fragrance & see all the bird & insect activity. This shrub is easy to grow in full sun but will tolerate some shade. It is hardy to zone 5 & comes in colors ranging from white to pinks, lavenders & even yellow. If you choose, when spring comes you can prune leaving one third of the bush behind. It will grow quickly & tolerates dry conditions. It can grow 5’ to 8’ with a similar spread depending on the variety. The bloom time is long, from summer through fall. The blooms make wonderful cut flowers. If you deadhead as the blooming season goes on, it will help prolong bloom time & tidy up the shrub. It looks wonderful as a backdrop to a perennial garden or as a stand-alone specimen. Plant in the spring & enjoy!


Embrace Pink

     (I must mention my makeup credentials before I begin. I spent years selling an independent line of cosmetics. I did many a show which included basing my makeovers on the seasons which are reflected in skin tone & eye color. This later morphed into wedding & special occasion makeup sessions. Now, it’s just for fun on GWA’s and the like!)
    There’s nothing like a new lipstick to cheer us girls. It has worked for me for years. Now, as I get older, I have to be more careful of the colors I choose. I remember a magazine article embracing pink for girls in our 40’s, 50’s and beyond. They showed photos of a beautiful Sharon Stone who looked beautiful in her later years with the right makeup colors (pinks) & horrid with the wrong shades. Face it, literally, some skin tone changes have occurred & we are often slow to make the adjustment. How I could not stand to see Laura Bush at every Presidential event sporting that dark red lipstick she used to wear. It only accentuated her very thin lips. Didn’t her girlfriends let her know?
    Well, I am here to let you know it’s time to embrace pink! Pink has come a long way over years of product development, (there is such a range!) and it’s not the bubble gum color you may remember. It is flattering for all skin tones & a much safer bet than reds, mauves, browns. Don’t be swayed by trends & don’t go too light a shade. I am recommending 4 color suggestions for starters. Hats off to Cover Girl for making LipPerfection silky, smooth, moisturizing lipsticks! The price point is perfect (Walmart - $5 and change & there is always a $1 off coupon somewhere = $4 & change). The 3 pinky shades I recommend are wonderful because they all STAIN the lips too! 385 – feline / 315 – precious  / 295 – rich. For those who aren’t into lipsticks, you can just apply, blot off in a few minutes & apply your favorite lip balm (or gloss) Great lip gloss L’Oreal Colour Riche 153 Raspberry Splash (takes like butterscotch - yum!). Face it, we need color on our lips at this age, girls. Our natural pigment is fading & we need the moisture. You must try it, you’ll like it!

Better Night's Sleep

    We cherish it, crave it & even celebrate it when it happens! Yes, a great night’s sleep.  Yes, sounds easy, but to the PM & M set, it can be difficult. Seems we’ve gone from being up with the kids during the night, to a few good years of sleep & then back again to interrupted or a less than stellar night’s sleep. I have a few simple tips that we’ve probably heard before, but are we really listening?
    Many of these tips are from Dr. Oz & the occasional informative article. Most of these require no further explanation. To start we must stop our caffeine consumption early in the day. We also need to get plenty of exercise, at least a few times a week. (yoga, gardening or simply walking count too!) But avoid exercising too close to bedtime. Eating close to bedtime also is not a good idea, but drinking tea (chamomile or the like) is wonderful. Keep hydrating! Using TV, computers, smartphones, electronic tablets, etc. a few hours before bedtime is not a good idea if you are struggling with falling asleep. Trade them for a great (real paper-type) book!
    When the time comes, douse any ambient light in your room, including bright digital clocks. All this light interferes with melatonin production, the hormone that aides with sleep. You will also get a better night’s rest if you slip into a well-made bed. But, Dr. Oz’s advises not to make your bed in the morning. Pull back those covers & let the bedding air out! A comfortable mattress, great pillows (as many as you need to get comfy & cozy) & the right room temperature are also simple things, but important. A cooler room temperature will slow down the metabolism & this includes slowing that mind that keeps racing! Try not to overdress for bed, especially if you are prone to night sweats. (but make sure your feet are warm)
     The last tip is something we are less familiar with. Turns out most of us are magnesium deficient.  Due to diet & current agricultural practices, we are not getting enough of this vital nutrient, one that aids us in a great night’s sleep. One easy way to get more magnesium is through a magnesium sulfate soak, better known as Epsom salts. Used for aches & pains & in our gardens for years, it is readily absorbed through the skin. The good news is there are some wonderful, fragrant salts that are available. Dr. Teal’s & Calgon both make some deliciously fragrant salts. (both at Walmart at a $4-5 price point) They make a great soak for a pedicure & a wonderfully relaxing bath.
Here’s a link for more info on magnesium sulfate & how important it is for you.
Enjoy the bath & a wonderful night’s sleep!!

Mediterranean Heather

    Face it; the winter landscape can be a bit frustrating to view this time of year. The evergreen trees are beautiful to view. An occasional snowfall is lovely too (if it falls on the weekend with just enough to make it pretty). But sometimes you just want some blooms! I would love to suggest an evergreen shrub that is beautiful this time of year, Mediterranean Heather. It is a low growing (about 1-2 feet) shrub with a spread of approx. 3 feet. It comes in 2 colors, white & pink. I have the pink color, pictured at left. It is so wonderful this time of year because it seems every year that it magically starts to bloom. It really doesn’t, but since we tend to spend more time indoors here on the EC & tend not to notice right away. All it takes is a warm stretch of temperature & the bloom is on! The only downside I have found is that when it ages, it tends to get a little woody in the center of the plant. I actually just replace the ones I have in the early spring. They are inexpensive & can be found in a few different sizes. I always choose small because plants will GROW! Again, look for them in the early spring. They are one of the first shrubs to hit the garden centers.


Huiles de Beauté

    This is the time of year when your skin is CRAVING moisture! There are three beauty oils that I have been testing & using on face, hair & body & I’d like to share my results with you. They are all wonderful, so read on.
     I have been doing my own product test of the facial cleansing oil from Philosophy called purity made simple. Trying an actual oil on my face took a true leap of faith for me. I am so glad I did, however!! It is a wonderful product.  I have only been using for a couple of weeks but I am ready to review! The light citrus scent smells delicious & as soon as the oil touches water in your hand it looks like a white cream. My skin feels amazing using this product. It is definitely a keeper, especially for this time of year. I give it a 10 out of 10. Price is $25.00 & available at Ulta (you can’t use the coupon on this) & Sephora. A little pricey for this spaver but soooo worth it.
    The second product is also new to me. This one is for the hair & is called Moroccan argan oil by organix. It is a moisturizing oil to restore shine & softness. After you towel dry the hair you work some into your hair & style as usual. It smells wonderful & my shoulder length hair feels amazing. It also controls the static you get this time of year. It really revitalizes the hair & as if you can’t tell, I am crazy about this product too. (and at a $6.00 price point!) I also give this a 10 out of 10.
    The last product is for the skin & is a tried & true favorite. Neutrogena light sesame oil is has been around for years. It absorbs quickly, smells wonderful & leaves a great sheen on your skin. The price is around $13-$14 but every pharmacy store sells their version of the products for a much lower price. I also give this oil a 10 out of 10.

Winter Tea

    I’d like to share a wonderful winter tea recipe with you. It has become a 30 year wintertime tradition for me to brew this tea during these cold winter months. I was interning during college at a historic home (one of the oldest in the country!), photographing & cataloguing antiques. Every day my fellow intern & I would be brought this tea & homemade cookies by the caretaker. (rough internship, I know!) It is their recipe as follows:
1 teaspoon cinnamon bark (about 1 whole cinnamon stick)
1 teaspoon whole cloves
6 teabags or 5 heaping teaspoons loose tea (your choice)
Place above in cheesecloth & tie with teabag string. Boil in 1 quart water for 5-10 minutes. (smells WONDERFUL!)
1/3 of 12-oz. can frozen orange juice concentrate
3 tablespoons lemon juice or 6T. Real Lemon
1-1/2 cups sugar (optional)
1 quart boiling water
Store above syrup in refrigerator. ADD: equal parts water to serve.
There are healthful benefits to this tea. The cinnamon is now considered a superfood; It helps regulate blood sugar. The cloves have one of the highest antioxidant ratings of any spice – great for anti-aging. If you have stomach/digestion problems, then throw some star anise into the mix.

Winter Landscape Perennials

     When you love gardening as much as I do, you realize pretty early on that losing the entire season of winter to bleak is completely unacceptable! Sure we get the occasional pretty snowfall, but we miss the plants big time! I have a perennial bed close to the house that I have planted with ‘evergreen’ perennials. Since I am out there often because there is a hot tub (yes, wonderful treat), I didn’t want mulch in the winter only. I also wanted easy care, & not plant annuals every year. So I focused on perennials that would not die back in the winter. My three favorites pictured here would be a wonderful addition to any yard. They are also long-lived perennials; I have had them planted double digit years!  They are easy care & like shade to part sun. They are: top left – Heuchera (Coral Bells), top right – Liriope, bottom – Lamium (Beacon Silver). They are all low growing & bloom at different times with some crossover. The Heuchera blooms from May-July & the hummingbirds LOVE it! The Liriope blooms with a beautiful purple spikes from Aug-Oct. The Lamium blooms late spring & then throughout the entire summer/fall. (I actually had a few blooms a week ago thanks to a warm stretch) The Lamium continues to grow through the winter also. Come spring you will have plenty to give friends. It makes a wonderful, unusual spiller in your planters too. I would not call it invasive but it does spread quickly (it’s in the mint family but don’t let that scare you!). The picture here was just taken and shows their winter interest. The variegated leaves on all three plants make it very pretty & bright in the evening hours. You will not be disappointed if you seek these out for your garden!
Here is a very nice website to view plants:

Gratitude Journal

     The January 14th passage of Simple Abundance, by Sarah Ban Breathnach (SBB), talks about the ever important gratitude journal. As she says “Simplicity, order, harmony, beauty, and joy – all the other principles that can transform your life will not blossom and flourish without gratitude.” She mandates really, that we all keep a beautiful blank book by our bedside & jot down five things we are grateful for each night. There will be days in a row that you are repetitive with your blessings (not a bad day I’d say!) & other days when a new surprising joy happens & you can’t wait to jot it down! As the blessings in our lives begin to fill these blank pages, we can’t help but begin to smile more & laugh more. Debbie Downer & Negative Nellie will soon find their place - out of your life! Yes, something so simple can make an enormous difference in your life. So go get the prettiest blank book you can find & embrace gratefulness!
     I am grateful today for: 1) The opportunity to have a GWA with my friends!  2) All the friends that enrich my life on a daily basis. 3) The beauty of seeing some beautiful snow this weekend (without it bothering the driving conditions!) 4) My mom who worries about me & my friends going away (no matter how old we get!) 5) a nap!!!

Girls Weekend Away (GWA)

    The GWA (girls weekend away) is a time honored tradition. NOT. But it is soon becoming one - quickly. Our generation can boast in the future that we have evolved to truly understand the value of friendships in our lives. I recently read (sorry, can’t remember the mag) a blurb about a study that was done on lifespan. This one concluded that having active friendships extended ones life by 7 years!! Having a spouse, kids, family members had no effect on lifespan. I will go one step further saying that laughter plays a huge role in this. Laughter has been proven time & time again to be the best medicine. Face it, when we are out with our friends or away with our friends, we laugh – a lot. (and eat, drink, sleep, shop…) These are the best of times that we need to cherish. We also have responsibility to pass this knowledge onto our daughters & nieces. Set a good example & plan some time away!
     I bring this up now because I won’t be posting anything new in the next few days. Yes, I have a GWA to attend! This I can guarantee:  we will bring way too much food, drink, luggage that any group of girls could possibly need in one weekend. I also guarantee we will laugh!


American Goldfinch

    There is no backyard bird more enjoyable than the goldfinch (American Goldfinch on the EC). From the beautiful colors to the roller coaster flight across your yard, nothing brings a bigger smile to this birders face. (xcept maybe a hummingbird – more on them in April!) They can be found throughout the entire US & lower parts of Canada. There is some birding lore that says when you lose someone special in your life that you will soon see a goldfinch as a reminder of that special person. My sister lost her best friend Labrador Retriever a number of years ago. Although I knew it was too soon for a new pet for her, I thought of the goldfinch! I quickly got her the first of many thistle socks. Within DAYS she saw her first & I know it brought her joy (& a few tears – since I told her the about the lore).
     Goldfinches will eat the sunflower seeds at your feeder & thistle seed. I have tried thistle feeders over the years but have finally settled in on a thistle sock (as seen in the photo). These birds are pretty particular about their thistle & if the seed gets too old (which can happen if you buy pounds of it), they will not eat it. The same with keeping the thistle feeder clean, they prefer that & it’s difficult to keep up. So I buy the socks (again at Walmart – about $4.75 per) & they work out beautifully. They accommodate many finches & then you toss & replace when empty. The squirrels are also not that interested in prickly thistle if you are not baffled. They do sell socks empty that can be refilled but you would really need to wash them first. I don’t recommend because they really get dirty.
    These birds are around in the winter, but are not as easy to spot because their feathers change color to blend. The males are yellowish brown & females grayish brown in winter. Soon enough come spring, they magically transform. Let the love affair begin for you too!
PS: Shout out to all the birds, butterflies, flowers & critters that ‘pose’ for me in my backyard!!

American Pickers

   Every now & then you come across a TV show that you feel proud to watch, proud that some producer FINALLY saw the worth. That show for me is The History Channel’s American Pickers. The show’s premise follows 2 regular guys, Mike Wolfe & Frank Fritz, (with extraordinary antique & collectibles knowledge) searching the country for American treasures essentially. The beauty of the show is that the REAL treasures are the people they meet in their travels. Sure, the barns, backyards, junkyards they explore are cool, but the real Americans they meet along the way are what warms the heart for this viewer. These are the hard working folks that make up this country, that see value in what they collect & know it is a valuable part of American history. The Pickers have a conscience & sense that what they purchase needs the right home. They often drive to deliver a find to a collection they know it deserves to be a part of. This happens over & over. They have storefronts in Iowa & Nashville but it isn’t always about the money, it’s about what’s right & ‘recycling’ in a way that’s critical for America. They are from Iowa but travel most of the country (a friend spotted their truck east coast). Hopefully they continue to re-discover American “treasures” for a long time to come. I’ve been waiting years & years for a show with this much genuine heart. Check it out. See link below for times.

Embrace Silk!

      I want to share a tip that benefits us mature girls in MANY ways. The beauty of the silk pillowcase… I know, sounds silly but, alas, this one article of nighttime bedding can make a marked difference in your life!
      You may have heard of using a silk pillowcase to preserve a hairdo. Well, that is a generational thing. Not too many of us get our hair done once a week anymore & need the slipperiness of the silk to keep it from getting mussed. That being said, preserving an expensive blowout or Velcro roller do for a night may be in order on occasion. No, the true benefits (one of which was discovered by yours truly, feel free to spread the word!) are as follows. First, studies have shown that cotton pillowcases, especially the higher thread count ones will actually absorb the moisture from your skin. (And we certainly don’t want those fabulous night creams getting sucked out!) So, I figured I would try this, why not? I bought a 2-pack of cases from Ross (One of this spavers favorite stores) for $2.99, I know really!!! Well, to my surprise, the best benefit came as a complete surprise. I love a cold pillow & with menopause & night sweats, a cold pillow is an oasis for me. Turns out that satin feels MANY degrees colder than cotton! Your room needs to be at a cool sleeping temp of course, but this was a wonderful discovery for me! I flip my pillow multiple times during the night (all this nighttime movement does burn calories too!) and I now have a cool, wonderful place to rest my head. I love it! I know you will too.
   So now we can all wake up with beautiful hair, soft skin & a refreshed attitude!

Chicken Soup Recipe to help the soul!

     The days are getting colder, unfortunately, but none the less we will prevail! The recipe that follows I guarantee to be THE BEST, THE EASIEST, THE MOST DELICIOUS Chicken Noodle Soup you have ever made or tried. I know some may never have made soup before thinking it too complicated. This slow cooker recipe will change your mind. I’m sure range top cooking would be fine too. The beauty of this is (esp.) on a working day to just to load it up & forget until dinner.
The recipe is as follows:
6-8 cups of water (depending on size of your slow cooker)
4 medium carrots cut into ¼ inch slices
3 medium stalks of celery cut into ¼ inch slices
1 small onion, chopped
2 bay leaves
1 whole chicken rinsed (3-5 lbs.)
½ t. dried thyme
¼ t. ground (I like white) pepper
1-4 t. salt (I use sea salt & about 1-2 teaspoons. You can always add individually to taste later)
I usually chop the ingredients the night before so they are ready to go. Combine veggies, water & seasonings. Place chicken on top. Cover & go!
Cook 4-5 hours on high, 8-9 on low.  I take out the chicken & cut the white meat into smaller pieces & return to the pot. (There are usually plenty of leftovers for Chix salad or sandwiches. I take out most of the celery & some onions. These veggies absorb the fat & you don’t need them all anyway. Which reminds me, leave the skin on your chicken! This is where you are getting the flavor & the meal is HEALTHY really!
Serve with your cooked noodle of choice. Enjoy!!!


'One For The Money'

      This month you will begin to see a countdown at the bottom of each blog. The HIGHLY anticipated movie, One For The Money, premieres Friday, January 27th. Author Janet Evanovich’s highly acclaimed book series has made it to the big screen. Her series of books, One For The Money, Two For The Dough, Three To Get Deadly all the way through number Eighteen (which came out in November) are I dare say the best any (mature) girl could ever read.
      The books are based on an unemployed protagonist, Stephanie Plum, who in desperate need of a job goes to work for her cousin Vinnie’s bail bonds office as a bounty hunter (of sorts). She isn’t very good at her job in the conventional bounty hunter way but that is where the fun begins. I guarantee laugh out loud moments in these books. She has an irrepressibly, hilarious Italian family & coworkers & lovers that keep it all moving. You can read her books in a day!
    The movie was supposed to premiere last year so Stephanie Plum lovers are chomping at the bit. Katherine Heigl plays Stephanie (there was a consensus that it should be Sandra Bullock & there was a scare that it might be Reese Witherspoon – luv ya Reese but not in this role!) We Plum readers take this very seriously it seems. The setting is Trenton, NJ but the movie was filmed outside of Pittsburgh, PA, no doubt for safety reasons. Trenton isn’t always the safest place to be in Stephanie-type situations (hence the need for even lousy bounty hunters!) But, you better show us a Cluck-in-the-Bucket or else! Collect those GNO friends & save the date!!! (Hey we don’t have to dress up like we did for the Sex in the City movie! Jeans & (Rangeman) black t-shirts & hair scrunchees all the way! Also beer may be easier to sneak in than Cosmos!)
So looking forward to this! View the trailer below. (these are also playing on TV now)

PS. Janet’s E’s new book came out Tuesday. It’s co-authored with Dorien Kelly called Love In A Nutshell.


Beautiful Skin 2

     Wednesday’s blog was full of recommendations for great skincare products. I would be remiss if I didn’t help you get the most bang out of your products. Exfoliation is the name of the game & we ALL need to be playing on a daily basis. Skin products will be more effective on glowing skin & it’s easy. The Boot’s No. 7 Gentle Glycolic Peel from yesterday’s post is a great start. Once every week or two is sufficient. The main player in this equation is a Clarisonic type cleansing brush. These are rotating gentle bristle brushes that you lightly smooth over your face with cleanser & occasional exfoliator. The price ($100-200) of the Clarisonic is out of this spaver’s budget so I bought the highly recommended & affordable Olay Pro X system. I was able to get it on sale & with coupon at CVS Pharmacy for $20.00. It retails for $30. You can use in the shower or not. It’s very durable (if you drop it in the shower – 3 times already) & runs on AA batteries. It comes with a wonderful gentle scrub. I also use it with again, a couple Boot’s No. 7 products. (If so many made the GH list can the others be far behind?) The first is their Age Defence Anti-age Cleansing Balm. This cleaner is perfect for this time of year when we need, repeat after me, Moisture, Moisture, Moisture! The other is No.7 Radiance Revealed Exfoliator which is a very creamy scrub. Both are around $8.00-9.00, even less on sale & with the Ulta coupon. (Yes, this is one line you can actually USE that coupon!) Having removed those dead 2011 skin cells will enable those great moisturizers to really work their magic. I usually at night start with the Boot’s Intensive Serum & right away you can add the L’Oreal Night Cream on top. Add the eye cream & you are set & feel that skin!!! Gorgeous!!! The term baby’s butt comes to mind. When price is a problem for the Olay Prox I think the next best thing is a gentle washcloth. You can buy a pack of 3 baby washcloths at your favorite ‘dollar’ store. They are the perfect texture. Dr. Oz mentioned on his show that our skin cleans best with very warm/hot water. I recommend this time of year to always cleanse well at night to remove the makeup & dirt of the day, but the next morning just use the cleaning balm mentioned above or a cleanser that won’t strip. Your skin is not dirty in the morning but craving repeat after me: Moisture, Moisture, Moisture! Enjoy the softness & glow!
PS: So many new beauty products hit the shelves each year. It’s hard to keep up, really. I will from time to time test something myself & report back to you. The first product this year is Philosophy’s (Ulta, Sephora) Purity Made Simple Facial Cleansing Oil. Yes, I said OIL. Mark my words, that every different price point line will have an oil like this as part of their line soon. I will report back on my results in a future blog.
PS: Shout out to my talented daughter for the beautiful new header!

Winter Clean-up

     Now is the time of year when the Christmas decorations come down & here with EC (East Coast) weather, we brace for the LONG winter. This can be tough on the gardeners among us especially. (That’s often why we turn to birding for respite.) That being said, there are tasks that can be done, but mostly left for Spring at this point.
     The Christmas tree is a great example of how we can improve our outside landscape. Many areas have curbside tree recycling. However, if you do not have a lot of evergreen-type tree cover especially near your feeders, you can simple add the cut tree to your landscape. Lean or tie it to a spot, even laying it down makes for that great hiding spot the birds need. If you roll an errant pinecone in peanut butter & seed (tie the string on first), you can tie to the tree for a great bird treat. They will love it!
     When you get outdoors & survey this time of year, just leave the rest alone. Any leaves that may have strayed after your ‘final’ leaf cleanup (is there ever such a thing?) usually end up in your beds wrapped around shrubs & perennials. It’s perfect just to leave these now for mulch. They will break down over time & are so good for your soil. The perennials that remain have gone to seed & are great sources of food for your birds. The exceptions being: any that you may have spotted some powdery mildew on at the end of the season. These culprits include bee balm, phlox, peonies, zinnias, roses. It’s best to get rid of this yard waste & not in your compost pile if you have one.
     The winter storms are sure to bring snow, sleet & ice (unfortunately) and wind. This is nature’s pruning time. Although, we hate to see that stick & branch pickup work ahead of us, nature is really doing us a favor by pruning for us. Leave what you can for the warmer winter days & you will enjoy the task more. It feels so good to get that bonus warm day that we don’t seem to mind bending over a hundred times!
    Remember, we really aren’t supposed to be doing a lot of yard work this time of year anyway. Walking during the thaw/freeze cycle only compacts the ground. (not good) So get out often, but SIT & enjoy the sunlight. (Have you noticed - the days are getting longer once more – woo hoo!!)

Beautiful Skin

     It seems the beginning of the year is a perfect time to start a new regime of any kind. I want to share some of the best skin care products that I have used in the past 2 years. I can’t claim discovering them on my own; I have to give a shout out to the magazine that took the time (18 MONTHS!!!) for 35+ age testers to REALLY use the products & fully review them. The skincare anti-aging award list appeared in the Oct. 2010 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine. Jamie Lee Curtis was on the cover (we all love her – so pretty & funny & honest about getting older) So, I figured if I need a new moisturizer, why not choose from this list and there was always a less expensive option too! Well I have tried many & am still using them all!!
    My first favorite showed up on the list but I had been using it prior. Oprah had it as a favorite thing in her mag. It is Boot’s No. 7 Protect & Perfect Protection Intense Beauty Serum. (Last time I heard one was selling every 5 seconds!) Boy, that Oprah has some clout!! Well, it made the list because it’s wonderful & at a great $21 approx price point. These Boot’s products can be found at Ulta & Target. (Ulta has sales often & you can USE the coupon.) The other two products listed from Boot’s that I’ve tried are the Glycolic Peel & Intensive Line Filler. Both wonderful too. I’m on number 2 or 3 of each. Their hand cream is on the list & I can’t wait to try that. Finally, from the Boot’s line that made the list is the Intensive Line Filler. I find this work best as a last moisturizer on top of you foundation (works really well on top of mineral makeup). It is nice to use later in the day when you are in desperate need of some moisture. This time of year is killer on the skin. And if you needed any more reliable recommendations, Boot’s is the new Princess Kate Middleton’s face care line of choice. Boot’s hails from London. They have whole stores there!!! Lucky Princess!
      The L’Oreal Revitalift deep-set wrinkle repair Night Cream on the list (Andie McDowell advertises this one – we love her too!) is amazing. It really works well on the wrinkles & again is at an awesome price point. (it goes on sale often - $15ish) The 3-in-1 eye cream from Patricia Wexler M.D. is excellent too (Bath & Body Works). I have been using for one year & still have some left! Check out the complete list from the link below & remember to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!!!

For The Birds!

    As the winter has been ever so slowly creeping in, it is time to call our attention to the birds in our lives. A simple gaze outside your window will be proof enough that it is cold, & they could use a bit of help this time of year. I have 20 plus years of backyard birding credentials. At my present home, I have identified 43 different species in my yard (and there are few EASY ones that I haven’t seen) This is what keeps us hooked! If you already have a feeder set up then pay attention to location & seed type. Ideally, your feeders should be on a baffled pole or be a self-contained squirrel baffling type. I have both kinds which work very well. Squirrels make the hobby expensive & frustrating (and since we all like a little less stress…BANGING the window hurts after awhile!) If you are baffled, then choose the black-oiled sunflower type for starters. There are mixes that are wonderful, but choose those without fillers like millet. (birds rarely eat this & it ends up germinating all over the grass & garden beds). If you do not have squirrel protection, the safflower seed is a good choice because squirrels will not each this type. If you have no feeders & want to start small, then a suet block with a simple hanger will do the trick. The blocks are inexpensive (all this seed & suet can be found at this spavers favorite store for seed, Walmart. The blocks range from $0.99 to a little over a dollar & the holders only a few bucks). Hang from a shepard’s hook you may have or a tree branch. Make sure there is a good view from a favorite window for you to enjoy the fun. The squirrels may find this treat but at a dollar a block it’s not so bad. The suet feeder will attract in a day or two the downy, hairy, red-bellied woodpeckers for starters. If you buy suet that contains some seeds, you will also see titmice, chickadees, Carolina wrens, cardinals & nuthatches this time of year. Locate all your baffled feeders 8 feet from any roof or ledge that mighty squirrel will be sure to jump from. About the same 7-8 feet distance from the ground should work well too. More on thistle & Goldfinches in a later blog!
     I hope this hobby will be one for all to enjoy. The bonuses include an errant sunflower seed germinating in a unique spot in your yard. It’s like, thanks for helping me plant this year! Then later seeing the goldfinches feast on the same flower when it goes to seed. It happens every year for me & it doesn’t get more satisfying than that!
P.S.     Since I am an east coast girl, the hummingbird blogs will be coming in April – stay reading!

Simple Abundance

    As we begin this New Year, It reminded me of a book we may have all read back in the day. It was a heartfelt blog before blogging was a term. The book “Simple Abundance, A Daybook of Comfort and Joy” by Sarah Ban Breathnach (SBB). The book rose to popularity when our beloved Oprah featured the book and author on her show 11 times. The ‘simple’ premise is 365 entries, one for each day of the year, beginning January 1st. As I quote from the author, “May Simple Abundance, through its gentle lessons of comfort and joy, help you find the authentic life you were born to live.” “Each month ruminates on finding your authenticity in your daily round: the domestic arts, work, beauty, fashion, and personal pursuits that bring contentment.” (for me those pursuits also include gardening, yoga, birding & blogging, all of which I can’t wait to share with you)
       Written in 1995, the words are a comfort to those of us that have read the book a number of times. The format is so wonderful that you need only a few minutes a day. It will resonate with all of you, I’m sure. Sometimes, we all just need a gentle nudge to count our blessings, take a deep yoga breath (or two) and begin our day in the most authentic way possible. I love this book & I know you will (again) too. Sarah now has a website to visit:
    So for those of you that may get some free books with a Christmas Kindle you received this year, I suggest this one to be at the top of your list. As I quote her feelings on January: “This is the month to dream, to look forward to the year ahead and the journey within.”
 And for tonight....
PS. Turns out the TV show “Pretty Little Liars” is the number one teen show that our gen watches. I love it & the new season premieres Mon. the 2nd on ABC Family at 8:00. Check it out!