The GWA (girls weekend away) is a time honored tradition. NOT. But it is soon becoming one - quickly. Our generation can boast in the future that we have evolved to truly understand the value of friendships in our lives. I recently read (sorry, can’t remember the mag) a blurb about a study that was done on lifespan. This one concluded that having active friendships extended ones life by 7 years!! Having a spouse, kids, family members had no effect on lifespan. I will go one step further saying that laughter plays a huge role in this. Laughter has been proven time & time again to be the best medicine. Face it, when we are out with our friends or away with our friends, we laugh – a lot. (and eat, drink, sleep, shop…) These are the best of times that we need to cherish. We also have responsibility to pass this knowledge onto our daughters & nieces. Set a good example & plan some time away!
I bring this up now because I won’t be posting anything new in the next few days. Yes, I have a GWA to attend! This I can guarantee: we will bring way too much food, drink, luggage that any group of girls could possibly need in one weekend. I also guarantee we will laugh!
Hope you are having a fun GWA and enjoying your friends! I am glad to have your posts to read as my earlier 5pm coffee is keeping me awake! Onto read about the Gold Finches..previously posted. I also enjoy their visits and want to learn about your backyard friends, ;>)