Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

American Goldfinch

    There is no backyard bird more enjoyable than the goldfinch (American Goldfinch on the EC). From the beautiful colors to the roller coaster flight across your yard, nothing brings a bigger smile to this birders face. (xcept maybe a hummingbird – more on them in April!) They can be found throughout the entire US & lower parts of Canada. There is some birding lore that says when you lose someone special in your life that you will soon see a goldfinch as a reminder of that special person. My sister lost her best friend Labrador Retriever a number of years ago. Although I knew it was too soon for a new pet for her, I thought of the goldfinch! I quickly got her the first of many thistle socks. Within DAYS she saw her first & I know it brought her joy (& a few tears – since I told her the about the lore).
     Goldfinches will eat the sunflower seeds at your feeder & thistle seed. I have tried thistle feeders over the years but have finally settled in on a thistle sock (as seen in the photo). These birds are pretty particular about their thistle & if the seed gets too old (which can happen if you buy pounds of it), they will not eat it. The same with keeping the thistle feeder clean, they prefer that & it’s difficult to keep up. So I buy the socks (again at Walmart – about $4.75 per) & they work out beautifully. They accommodate many finches & then you toss & replace when empty. The squirrels are also not that interested in prickly thistle if you are not baffled. They do sell socks empty that can be refilled but you would really need to wash them first. I don’t recommend because they really get dirty.
    These birds are around in the winter, but are not as easy to spot because their feathers change color to blend. The males are yellowish brown & females grayish brown in winter. Soon enough come spring, they magically transform. Let the love affair begin for you too!
PS: Shout out to all the birds, butterflies, flowers & critters that ‘pose’ for me in my backyard!!

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