Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

Better Night's Sleep

    We cherish it, crave it & even celebrate it when it happens! Yes, a great night’s sleep.  Yes, sounds easy, but to the PM & M set, it can be difficult. Seems we’ve gone from being up with the kids during the night, to a few good years of sleep & then back again to interrupted or a less than stellar night’s sleep. I have a few simple tips that we’ve probably heard before, but are we really listening?
    Many of these tips are from Dr. Oz & the occasional informative article. Most of these require no further explanation. To start we must stop our caffeine consumption early in the day. We also need to get plenty of exercise, at least a few times a week. (yoga, gardening or simply walking count too!) But avoid exercising too close to bedtime. Eating close to bedtime also is not a good idea, but drinking tea (chamomile or the like) is wonderful. Keep hydrating! Using TV, computers, smartphones, electronic tablets, etc. a few hours before bedtime is not a good idea if you are struggling with falling asleep. Trade them for a great (real paper-type) book!
    When the time comes, douse any ambient light in your room, including bright digital clocks. All this light interferes with melatonin production, the hormone that aides with sleep. You will also get a better night’s rest if you slip into a well-made bed. But, Dr. Oz’s advises not to make your bed in the morning. Pull back those covers & let the bedding air out! A comfortable mattress, great pillows (as many as you need to get comfy & cozy) & the right room temperature are also simple things, but important. A cooler room temperature will slow down the metabolism & this includes slowing that mind that keeps racing! Try not to overdress for bed, especially if you are prone to night sweats. (but make sure your feet are warm)
     The last tip is something we are less familiar with. Turns out most of us are magnesium deficient.  Due to diet & current agricultural practices, we are not getting enough of this vital nutrient, one that aids us in a great night’s sleep. One easy way to get more magnesium is through a magnesium sulfate soak, better known as Epsom salts. Used for aches & pains & in our gardens for years, it is readily absorbed through the skin. The good news is there are some wonderful, fragrant salts that are available. Dr. Teal’s & Calgon both make some deliciously fragrant salts. (both at Walmart at a $4-5 price point) They make a great soak for a pedicure & a wonderfully relaxing bath.
Here’s a link for more info on magnesium sulfate & how important it is for you.
Enjoy the bath & a wonderful night’s sleep!!

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