Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

Pre-Summer Gardening Reminders

   So here we are on the precipice of the summer season!! Two exclamation points on that one. It is the time of year we gardeners long for, dream of... There are a few reminders I'd like to pass along now to make your gardening life easier this summer. Yes, put in the time now and the rewards will be felt all summer long.

Weed ~ Yes, weed now often and then weed some more. You need to get to the buggers while you still can. Before your perennials go whoosh. (my description of what happens one day you go outside and look around and they have all grown inches seemingly overnight. I call it The Whoosh Affect.) Get to them before the roots head to China or out like a Compass Rose in every direction!

Staking ~ You know the plants that you have in need of staking. Early staking will alleviate any sleepless nights you have when you're hearing that pouring rain coming down. Get in there while you can still reach them!

Seed Heads ~ I am already staring at the columbine & forget-me-not seeds that are poised to drop. Decide now what you are sharing, what you are carefully cutting down to avoid volunteers, or shaking and going to town on the spreading (the most fun I feel). This forget-me-not photo shows the results of going to town last spring.

Weed ~ Okay you see where I'm going with this...

Edging ~ Nothing makes your beds look professional like edging each year but you need to do it now before the soft, rain-drenched ground goes bye-bye.

Fertilizing ~ Scratching an organic fertilizer around you plants will give them a smile. Need to do this before The Whoosh Affect & that final step...

Mulch ~ To take advantage of all your hard weeding work, you need to mulch. Leaf mulch & mushroom compost are the best choices for your plants and soil. My township provides leaf mulch for free, but you need to haul it yourself. Garden centers are getting the message and you can find these more readily & have them delivered.

Enjoy ~ Sit back and enjoy the fruits & flowers of you labor!

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