Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

Pantone 2016 Colors of the Year & Your Garden

    I always like to include a blog each year featuring the Pantone color of the year. This year we are doubly fortunate because for the first time there are two Pantone colors, Rose Quartz and Serenity, to help guide our design choices and for this gardener, my plantings.

    As the website below suggests, the feeling of respite and relaxation was what the colors are meant to invoke. What better place for respite and relaxation than our outdoor rooms and gardens. Yes, they have made a challenge for us with Serenity. It is a challenge to find soft blue blooms in the garden consistently throughout the growing season. Annuals just don’t come in that color. My perennial Lungwort (Pulmonaria), & my biennial Forget-me-knots , all early spring bloomers, come pretty close. Both plants as they mature take on the Rose Quartz tones too and where the colors blend is the beautiful soft shade of lavender. So with the serene blue sky readily available most days in the garden, we can focus the rest of the summer on the soft pinks and delicate purples. The important thing to remember is not to plan these soft shades in a planter or bed that is drenched in sunlight because the shades will appear washed out. Also, the subtlety of the colors will be lost if planted too far from your choice viewing areas unless planted en masse.

     So as you begin to plan your 2016 garden keep some of these plants in mind and you may just have your very own Pantone Garden of the Year! For my sunnier spots containers of softly colored petunias would be lovely. When you think of soft pink & purple for the shade you may think traditional impatiens but alas that annual is not an option because of the downy mildew disease. The hybrid impatiens like the double impatiens and the new guinea (with sunpatiens for the sunnier spots) are still an option. Also there are lovely shades of these colors in the shade loving torenia. Beautiful perennial hellebores, creeping phlox, phlox paniculata, geraniums, mallows, coneflower, cornflowers for blue, scabiosa & lamium are wonderful choices. As always, visit your favorite garden centers frequently for the best, continuous selection throughout the seasons. I mean the Serenity sky is the limit! Lastly, be creative with your containers, bed arranging, & have fun with this new color theme! Now all we need is the warmer weather…

Nesting Bird Webcams

    Nothing says Spring more than bird songs during nesting season. I had the privilege late last winter, early spring to be introduced to two webcam sites featuring nesting birds. What a treat and, be forewarned, an addiction of sorts!
   The first of two wonderful sites for live webcam streaming of a bird's nest with their young has two hatchlings right now! This nest is located in So. California. As I am writing this, Bella is feeding her adorable hatchlings! It is an amazing opportunity to watch these small miracles up close & personal! There is ample amount of info on the site about the Allen's Hummingbird, Bella and how the site (in someone's yard) came to be. The will be multiple clutches laid in the coming months. Savor every squeak!

    The second webcam is There are quite a few webcams on this site, scenic & bird related. Two of my favorites from last year are the Great Horned Owl & the Bald Eagle. The first hatchlings you will see are the Great Horned Owls from Georgia. She is sitting on her clutch right now! The second very interesting one is in Hanover, PA, the Bald Eagle's nest. Lots of activity will be coming there soon. Both male & female eagles play a large role in raising their young. One of my favorite moments from last year was a late winter snow & the parent eagle sitting on her clutch of 2 eggs & not moving as the snow piled up. (see photo above) Eventually it was just the head peeping out of the snow!

   Again, be warned, as anyone who viewed the various (sooo cute) miracle births & fledglings last year, these cams can be addicting!! Enjoy them all; Spring is coming!

When Did We Stop Playing & Moving for Fun??

     I am a Baby Boomer & proud of it. We, the Boomers, had a childhood that dreams are made of. My life was filled with the simple things, family & friends for security and the lack of technology & TV channels kept the temptation of staying indoors at bay!
   Yes, the younger me was off playing every day after school, during school, weekends, holidays. And by playing I mean I was always moving! I left the house to seek out neighborhood kids and friends and didn't return home until hunger set in. I never got tired, seriously. Now you may say that's because you were young. Sure that plays a part but I was always doing activities that kept me moving, my body engaged and those activities were FUN! Sure there were mandatory homework times & rainy days when arts & crafts, jacks & board games come into play. It is those moving times I'd like us all to get back to. We need to find the fun again in moving & not see exercise always as a chore. That is how one gets to a healthy weight & stays there for a lifetime.

    Those fondly remembered activities included roller skating, tennis (against a wall), kick the can, wire ball, baby in the air, basketball, catch, jumping rope traditional & Chinese, hopscotch, can ball, dodge ball, jingle jump, riding bikes everywhere, walking everywhere, running, handball and organized sports like basketball, softball & even bowling in a kid's league on Saturday mornings. Winter moving included sledding (but we had to make our own hill first), snowball fights from behind massive forts & igloo building. And when we got soaked to the bone we would come inside, throw our clothes in the closest neighborhood kid's clothes dryer, plan our next igloo city & then get back out there with dry, warm & toasty jackets socks, hats & gloves. I am exhausted just writing all this down & smiling at the memories.

   It was my life & I am happy to say I have maintained a healthy weight over the years. What I am sad to say is aside from my love of yoga, some fun activities have slipped my mind. When did I stop playing? I want to find a vintage Jingle Jump & jump again! I enjoy walking but this year I want it to take me to a destination like it did so many years ago. I resolve this year to find moving activities that are fun. This is the only way to maintain healthy bodies for a lifetime & simultaneously keep the joy in our hearts. If you dread what you need to do to maintain your weight then get moving for FUN. The alternative being you will eventually lose the battle to alas ~ TV & technology. Have a blast playing & being fit!