So simple idea #6 may sound like
exercise, but it’s not. We are not meant to be sedentary, period. In his book, “Is Your Chair Killing You?”, author Kent
Burden describes why we need to move (yes, sitting for long periods of time may
be just as bad for you as smoking cigarettes!).
of you may have already found ways to move that you actually enjoy. I feel if
you enjoy your means of exercise, then you will pursue it for a lifetime. For
some it is walking, cycling, yoga, running, swimming & working out in
general. This is awesome! If there isn’t movement yet in your daily life, then
my wish for this coming year is for you to explore different ways to keep
moving & I hope you will find one or two to enjoy. In the meantime, we may
spend hours a day because of our work situation in a chair. This is where I
want the movement to begin. Get up and move every half hour at least. Do not
call your co-worker from across the room to ask a question. Get up & move!
Your employer will benefit from more productivity & less sick days from you
in the long run. When you come home from work, move off the sofa frequently if
you are watching TV. Get on the ground & do some yoga stretches or just
walk around the house during every set of commercials. This time will add up
& simply add to your quality of
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