Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

Recipe Week! ~ Bruschetta Tomato Topping

    It is August, and all of the vegetable gardeners out there are wondering what to do with the incredible bounty we are harvesting. Even those with just a few plants will need to have some go to recipes to have in their arsenal for the next few months. I will share a few that I have tweaked over the years & have become easy favorites. This is recipe week!!
   The first is a bruschetta fresh tomato topping for the toasts you can now buy or the ones you grill yourself:
    First take a handful of ripe tomatoes & chop into small chunks. Place in container & salt. Salting now will draw some of the water from the tomatoes. The liquids later added take on a richer flavor if there is less water. So… chop, salt, sit & drain. Repeat this step a couple of times. While the chopped tomatoes sit, chop ½ sweet onion & 2 garlic cloves finely. Add to drained tomatoes. Add a tsp. sugar (takes the acidic edge off), a couple twists of ground pepper, 1 tablespoon evoo (extra virgin olive oil), 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar (secret ingredient). Mix together well & then add 2 T. roughly chopped fresh basil. (fresh works best but flakes will do). Now adjust for your taste buds! Easy & delish!
   The easiest way to serve is on the round toasts they sell now. You can easily slice your own baguette bread, drizzle with evoo & grill in a pan. When you flip add some fresh mozzarella to the grilled side, a basil leaf & the bruschetta well drained. Cover until the cheese melts & the second side of your bread is grilled. If using the toasts, just follow the same steps but place on tin foil under a broiler, or toaster oven until the fresh cheese melts. Yum! Nothing better than this!!!

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