Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

Gardener's Block

   We’ve all heard of writer’s block, but have you ever heard of gardener’s block? Well, readers, this is the year of gardener’s block for me. Mostly perpetrated by the inability to shake winter even though I’m a zone 7a-er! Yes, winter is hanging on tooth & nail or should I say snowflake & cold wind. Easter is usually the gateway to Spring but not this year. Again, tomorrow, it will be in the 40’s. So how does one get psyched to imagine their garden beds, containers, trellis plantings? Well, I did receive the Proven Winners Idea Book a couple weeks ago. (Again, a free book, just go to ) It really is full of great new plants, lists of easy annuals, perennials & shrubs. Exciting color combinations too. So, yes, this is helping, but it is all I’ve read so far. For me, that’s pitiful. So hard to get inspired when it’s in the 30s every night. Yes, the lettuce is in the ground but barely… So knowing my readers are looking to me for ideas & a push is helping ~ but… So, this weekend order up this idea book if you haven’t already from my Proven Winners blog a few weeks ago. Then, get out pictures from last year if you have them. So close your eyes & in your mind, (and inside where it’s still warm) walk yourself around your property & jot some hopes & dreams down for this year. You may have one area that you’d like to focus on this year more than you ever have. Dream big! There are single annual plants that can get big & fill a container or bed easily. One plant – lower costs. I will be trying more of this in 2013, especially in my containers. As my block goes by the wayside as the warmer sun visits my yard, I will be sharing ideas with you to simplify your plantings this year. I may not have dreamed all my garden dreams yet this year but I do know I want to simplify ~ to keep with a theme for us busy women!

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