Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

Looking Forward to 2016...

   I believe we all love throwing the old year out & feeling the hope of a new year. Before stomping on 2015, first look back at how all your experiences may have affected you in a positive way. Yes, helping you to grow in ways you never expected...

That being said, here are some things I am looking forward to in 2016:

~ TUT - A Note From the Universe ~ Created by Mike Dooley ( a contributor to the best-seller The Secret). This is what I wake up to every weekday in my e-mail. It is a brief inspirational paragraph tailored just for me. To say they are life affirming words to start your day is an understatement! Sign up today to get your year started off in a positive way! Link below:

~ Hover boards ~ Okay, so I don't own nor will I ever (not at this stage of development anyway) They may be an expensive fad, but what I look forward to are the endless possibilities that technology has barely grazed...

~ Star Wars The Force Awakens ~ Isn't it reassuring that something that can lay dormant for thirty years can suddenly rise like a phoenix from the ashes & make billions? Now it's our turn to rise & make our billions!

~ Downton Abbey Season 6 - I will savor every minute of this last season. I also look forward to the unique that TV will air in 2016
~ Micellar Water ~ (I will be writing an entire blog on this one!) The latest & greatest way to clean your face. A cotton square & this water (that's been around for over a hundred years in France) is all you need. Amazing stuff. It also serves as a metaphor for all the new products to come my way in the coming year. I swear I keep looking younger!

~ Nestle Morsels Theater Box Candy ~ Yes, we may have thought we hit rock bottom with no chocolate in the house & indulged in that lovely golden bag of baking morsels. This now gives our cravings credibility. Nestle, what took you so long? Looking forward to all the new food products...

~ The latest studies... ~ What I am seeing moving into 2016 is what we need to add to our diets to achieve our optimums - not what we need to be taking away! (more on this in a future blog too) No one like being told what not to eat!

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