Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,


     So I am home from my holiday to Scotland with three of my lifelong GWA (Girls Weekend Away) friends. So how do you describe a week’s plus worth of memories in one blog. It can’t be done. How can you put a dollar (or pound sterling) amount on what it meant to you. You can’t, so I’m calling this blog ~ Priceless.
     Beginning in Edinburgh, Scotland & seeing your daughter for the first time in three months – priceless. Continuing your holiday with best friends & seeing scenery that it indescribable – priceless. Seeing a bucket list item that you never thought was possible, Stonehenge, with besties & daughter along in your journey – again so priceless. Visiting St. Andrews Old Course (big golf fan), taking over 800 pictures, being silly like you were in high school- priceless, priceless, priceless. Meeting the nicest people, taking ‘selfies’ at every stop, adding four birds to your life list, reliving early Spring & seeing daffodils everywhere like wildflowers, being convinced that you were going to be the one to photograph ‘Nessie’, the Loch Ness Monster –priceless to the fifth power. Having a flat Stanley along of your one friend who couldn’t make the trip & including her in your adventure through pictures, discovering the best whiskey – priceless, priceless. Being in a country full of sheep during lambing season & seeing the little guys everywhere, seeing Highland cows, dodging goats, sheep & deer on the twisting roads, again priceless. Trying haggis, neeps & tatties & have it taste surprisingly yummy, delish desserts, local beers - priceless cubed. Visiting the castle where Monty Python & the Holy Grail was filmed & keeping the secret from your friends prior (then unloading the coconuts on your daughter so you don’t have to pack them) soooo priceless. Visiting the two towns where your friend’s grandparents were raised & seeing their homes – amazingly priceless. Climbing 256 steps of a tower & having your friends sing you to the top on the twisting, tiny staircase (because you’re slightly claustrophobic – Brady Bunch theme) above & beyond the call of duty priceless. Laughing, laughing, laughing at every turn of the road, everyday; finding & storing new ‘happy places’ to go to when needed – priceless squared.
    So many memories shared with friends that will further glue your lasting friendships. Finally, sharing memories with your daughter that will forever be with her & you.
Priceless beyond words…

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