Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

What Will You Gain?...

    You may have seen the commercials or print ads, Special K cereal brand has begun the Gains Project; asking you to ask yourself, what will you gain when you lose? For losing weight, I like the concept. See the link below to check it out.
I, however, would like to open this question up to a wider scope. If you read my last blog you should already be asking yourself daily, “How am I feeling today? So let’s expand to another question: What will you gain…? Let’s try some:
~ What will you gain… if you take some reading time every day? Answer. A pleasant escape for however long & wouldn’t it be nice to be included in the talk on today’s hottest books for once?
~ What will you gain… if you don’t go crazy worrying about losing some weight first thing in January? Answer. How about some knowledge on dressing your shape instead! (It’s a lot more fun to shop for new clothes!! Any new clothes for this season are already on super sale!) If you need help, the new season of TLC’s What Not to Wear begins Jan 3rd at 10 pm EST. Stacy & Clinton are funny & know how to dress any shape! Also, read my blog Passion For Fashion for tips!
~ What will you gain… by doing some deep breathing for 5 minutes every day? Answer: Overall better health and a sense of well-being.
~ What will you gain… by finding time to do yoga or walk or participate in your exercise of choice a few times a week? Answer. Awesomeness! Exercising not to lose weight, but to feel better is an awesome way to approach exercise. I know I’d be a millionaire if I could bottle the way you feel after a yoga class!
   These are just a few questions, but I’d like to address this one throughout the coming year…

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