Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

NO Resolutions, YES to Simple!

  Happy New Year! Thank you to all for being supportive readers of this blog in my first year & I am looking forward to growing & exploring new topics with you all!
  So the reason I say NO to resolutions is that we all know the word itself seems a setup for future failure at some point in the year (January). The reason I say YES to simple is twofold. First, it’s time to read for the first time or reread beginning January 1st Sarah Ban Breathnach’s Simple Abundance & Romancing the Ordinary. Simplifying, I believe, is a key to inner bliss. Find them both at Amazon. For the man in your life, or any men that may be readers, you can also find her A Man’s Journey to Simple Abundance. Check your local library for any of her books on tape!
  The second simple is a list of tips from Real Simple magazine that I felt were much better than resolutions, more of a better way to live. Here are the 5 suggestions – enjoy adding simple to your New Year!
~ Eat the same breakfast every day. This simplicity/consistency will lead to stress-free mornings. Make healthy choices that can help you begin your day with energy.
~ Savor your coffee or tea. Notice the smell & delight in the flavors. Doing this helps you begin your day with mindfulness and calm.
~ Probably my favorite – write an ‘ignore list’. We get so caught up in the to do’s in our daily lives, this is the year to find some ignores to help simplify your days & nights.
~ Turn off your mind for a few minutes a day. To power down your brain can only benefit you. Whatever works for you: yoga, exercise, mindless TV, music, solitaire, suduko. Find a few things that work for you!
~ Ask yourself “How are you?” to yourself & really listen to the answer. How often in the course of a week do we as women ask someone “Are you ok?, How are you?”. That’s the nurturer in us - time to nurture yourself!
Here’s to a Happy, Healthy and Simple New Year for us all!

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