Marypause50 ~10 years later still a blog about gardens, simplicity, friendships, gratitude, health,

One For The Money - Movie Review

    I’ve just returned from a wonderful GNO! We went to see the highly anticipated movie, One For The Money, starring Katherine Heigel. The votes are in from the seven of us & we all gave it two thumbs up! The theater, especially our group, gave a well deserved round of applause at the end. It was very well received with all of us. We felt the casting was pretty spot on. Katherine Heigel was wonderful as Stephanie. Morelli (Jason O’Mara) had the most airtime with Stephanie & there was great chemistry there. Our only complaint was that there wasn’t enough Lula (Sherri Shephard) time or Grandma Mazur (Debbie Reynolds) time. They were both so funny in the roles. But, true to the book, there was more Stephanie alone getting accustomed to her role as a bounty hunter. I personally read this book ten years ago, so I wasn’t too concerned about how close the story line in the book matched the movie. It was nice just to sit back & enjoy. I hope there will be sequels! One of the questions I posed at the ‘after party’ was which guy Stephanie should choose. Only a few of us had read all eighteen books, (maybe that would have changed the vote), but 5-Morelli, 2-Ranger. It was great entertainment, so plan that GNO. In case you are interested, here is the Janet E. website link where you can look into all things Stephanie.

1 comment:

  1. Just read your blog, can't wait to see it on Monday. Thanks to Liz I am able to post a comment. Have a good day! Love you sista!
